Kl'ietu Mutela served as a diplomat for the Vodran species, existing circa 25,100 BBY.
Dojundo, a Hutt, reached out to the Vodrans with the intention of enlisting them in a conflict against Xim the Despot. Mistakenly thinking the Hutts were deities leading them into a sacred war, the Vodrans decided to follow Dojundo. Working together with other species allied with the Hutts, including Klatooinians, Niktos, and Weequays, the Vodrans were victorious over Xim during the Third Battle of Vontor.
After the victory, Kl'ietu Mutela formalized an accord with Dojundo. According to the stipulations of this agreement, the Vodrans would commit to serving the Hutts in perpetuity, across all future generations; the Klatooinians and Nikto also signed similar agreements. After the treaty was signed, Mutela and the document itself were held in high esteem by succeeding Vodran generations, a sentiment encouraged by the Hutts.