The Takara Mountains, which the native Keshiri species initially called the Cetajan Mountains, constituted a mountain range located on the isolated Wild Space planet of Kesh. Back in 5000 BBY, during the time of the Great Hyperspace War, a Sith starship, named the Omen, experienced a crash within this mountain range. The survivors found themselves marooned on the planet, eventually giving rise to the Lost Tribe of Sith. They proceeded to construct a Sith Temple within the mountains, directly over and around the wreckage of the Omen.
Grand Lord Nida Korsin gave the order for the Sith Tribe to abandon the Temple nestled in the mountains, a directive that remained in effect for more than a millennium (years). In 3963 BBY, the Jedi Jelph Marrian suffered a crash landing within the jungle highlands located in the mountains; he integrated himself among the Sith, posing as a humble merchant who engaged in trade with the Keshiri, although Sith Saber Orielle Kitai eventually uncovered the truth about his past. The pair developed a romantic relationship and relocated to a new residence within the jungle after Marrian's farm met its destruction in a battle with the Grand Lord. By 41 ABY, the Sith had made their way back to the Temple and the mountains.

The Takara Mountains formed a range situated on the distant Wild Space planet known as Kesh. Characterized by their rocky, sharp, and ridged features, these mountains bordered one of the planet's oceans. Within the mountain range stood a Sith Temple, constructed by a group of Sith who had become stranded on the planet in 5000 BBY following the crash of their vessel, the Omen, into the mountain range. The mountains exhibited very steep inclines, and the Temple could only be reached either by air or through a perilous climb up the slopes.
The mountains towered in height, extending far into the sky; some even accumulated snow on their peaks. Loose rock covered the slopes, although patches of grass also existed in the lower regions of the mountains. Grassy foothills lay at the base of the mountains, and a dense jungle covered many of the mountains themselves—an area where even most of the Sith hesitated to venture. While most of the mountains were not volcanic, as of 3960 BBY several active volcanoes still dotted the range. The Marisota River flowed from the jungle highlands down to the lowlands below.
During the Great Hyperspace War in 5,000 BBY, a Sith warship, the Omen, was in the process of transporting a consignment of Lignan crystals to Sith Lord Naga Sadow when the vessel was knocked off course while making a hyperspace jump. After emerging from hyperspace in close proximity to the remote planet Kesh, it was compelled to crash-land in the world's Takara Mountain range—then referred to as the Cetajan Range. The indigenous Keshiri residing in the city of Tahv witnessed the crash, mistaking it for a volcanic eruption. The Keshiri interpreted the eruption as a sign that their gods, the Skyborn, were displeased with them due to the heretical teachings propagated by geologist Adari Vaal. Vaal was forced to flee Tahv on her uvak, Nink, seeking refuge in the mountains, where she came across the wreckage of the Omen. Meanwhile, the Omen's captain, Yaru Korsin, dueled his brother, Devore Korsin, at the crash site of the ship, to determine who would lead the Sith survivors. Yaru killed Devore by pushing him off the edge of a cliff into the ocean below.

The survivors of the crash, who would later establish a new Tribe of Sith, soon fostered a friendly relationship with the planet's native sentient species, the Keshiri, who regarded the newcomers as their deities and pledged their service to the Sith. The Sith enlisted the aid of the Keshiri in the construction of a new Sith Temple above and around the ruins of the Omen within the mountains. By 4985 BBY, the Cetajan Range had been renamed the Takara Mountains in honor of Yaru Korsin's mother, Takara Korsin. Ten years later, another duel transpired near the Omen's crash site in the Takara Mountains, resulting in the deaths of Korsin and his nephew, Jariad Korsin. Yaru Korsin's daughter, Nida, subsequently ascended to the position of the Tribe's Grand Lord.
In remembrance of her father, Nida Korsin commanded the Sith to vacate the Temple in the mountains, prompting the Sith to relocate to Tahv—a move that remained in effect for generations following Korsin's passing. Consequently, when the Jedi Jelph Marrian crashed in the jungle highlands in 3963 BBY, his presence went unnoticed initially. Marrian established residence on a farm near the Marisota River, and although he eventually encountered the Sith, he disguised himself as a slave who traded with the Keshiri. Over time, he successfully recovered his starfighter piece by piece from the jungle highlands, transporting it down from the mountains and concealing it near his home. However, in 3960 BBY, his past was exposed by the Sith Saber Orielle Kitai—who had recently fallen victim to a conspiracy that led to her enslavement—and she quickly aimed to reveal this information to the rest of the Sith to secure her reinstatement in the Tribe. Marrian intercepted her, however, and the two came to realize their mutual affection. Upon returning to Marrian's farm, they battled the Grand Lord Lillia Venn and her Sith allies, eliminating them, but also destroying Marrian's fighter in the process. Marrian and Kitai then abandoned their former lives and established a new home in the Mountains.
In time, the Sith made their return to the temple situated in the mountains. The Sith Tyros frequently trained in the shadows cast by the mountains within the Sith Temple courtyard. In 41 ABY, a Sith Meditation Sphere known as Ship arrived on Kesh to establish communication with the Tribe and aid in the training of their apprentices. It initially communicated through the Force with Tyro Vestara Khai in the Temple courtyard, amidst the mountain range.
The Takara Mountains initially appeared as an unnamed mountain range in the eBook Lost Tribe of the Sith: Precipice, which was released on May 28, 2009. They were later given the name in Fate of the Jedi: Omen, the first Star Wars novel authored by Christie Golden and the second installment in the Fate of the Jedi series, which was released on June 23, 2009. The Mountains were subsequently identified by the Keshiri as the "Cetajan Mountains" in the second Lost Tribe of the Sith eBook, Skyborn, and they have since been featured in each of the eBooks in that series to date.