Devore Korsin

Devore Korsin was an officer within the Sith mineralogical corps during the Great Hyperspace War. He was a male Human living at that time. The admiral of the Sith navy was his father, a seasoned veteran. However, Korsin's naval career was cut short by a spice addiction, leading him to the Sith mineralogical service. During these years, he married Seelah, an escaped slave belonging to Sith Lord Ludo Kressh; they had a son named Jariad. In 5000 BBY, Korsin received an assignment: a mining expedition to the planet Phaegon III for Lignan crystals. He was to serve under his half-brother, Yaru Korsin. Korsin, filled with envy for his brother's position, unsuccessfully petitioned Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow to replace Yaru.

However, a Jedi attack caused Korsin's ship, the Omen, to veer off course during its jump to hyperspace en route to Kirrek. The Omen then crash-landed on an uncharted planet. Korsin, along with most of the crew, including his wife and son, survived the crash. After examining the wreckage of the Omen, Korsin realized that escape was impossible. Under the influence of spice, he confronted his brother in a dispute that escalated into a full-blown lightsaber duel. Ultimately, Devore was defeated by his brother, who cast him off a cliff. The ocean below claimed his body.


An ill-fated mission

Naga Sadow, Dark Lord of the Sith

Devore Korsin, a male Human, was born to an admiral in the Sith Empire's navy. His father, an officer, conceived Korsin with a woman he met on a planet during his travels. Devore did not grow up knowing his father. Later in life, he sought out his father, and the Admiral welcomed him without hesitation. Devore integrated into a family descended from a noble house of the Tapani Empire, known for their skills in commerce and industry. The Korsin family entered the service of the Sith, operating ships and factories. Over time, their lineage intertwined with that of the Empire's Dark Jedi, making the Korsins, including Devore, strong in the Force. Korsin learned that he had an older half-brother, Yaru, who was a cadet in the Sith navy. Korsin initially pursued a naval career, but it was derailed by his addiction to spice. He then joined the Sith mineralogical service, where money and power were more readily available through the search for gems and Force-imbued crystals. Supported by his father, Korsin became skilled in using plasma weapons and scanning equipment. As a Force-sensitive individual, he learned to tap into his inner Force potential and became proficient with a lightsaber. Eventually, Korsin married Seelah, a woman from Rhelg who had escaped slavery from Sith Lord Ludo Kressh. They had a son together, named Jariad. In 5000 BBY, Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow initiated an invasion of the galaxy, and Korsin accompanied Sadow's fleet as it departed from Sith Space.

During that year, Korsin was assigned to the Sith dreadnaught Omen for a mission to mine valuable Lignan crystals from Phaegon III and subsequently deliver them to Sith forces on Kirrek. Yaru Korsin, by then a respected captain in the Sith navy, was to command the operation. Driven by envy and a desire for leadership, Devore appealed directly to Sadow at the Dark Lord's station near the star Primus Goluud, but his request was denied. Angered by this rejection, Korsin made a remark to Sadow that cast doubt on his loyalty and the safety of the Omen's cargo. The expedition proceeded as planned, with Korsin's wife, Seelah, joining him as part of the mining crew, bringing their infant son along. However, before their departure, the Omen and a sister ship, the Harbinger, were attacked by Jedi. As the Omen attempted to escape to hyperspace, Drev Hassin, a Jedi apprentice, suicidally crashed his starfighter into the Harbinger.


The collision caused the Harbinger to strike the Omen as it jumped to lightspeed, throwing it off course. While traveling away from the skirmish, the Omen sustained severe damage from a gravity well, which pulled it back into realspace. Realizing the danger, Korsin instructed Seelah to take Jariad to the escape pods while he headed to the bridge. Despite the precarious situation, Korsin immediately blamed the ship's veteran navigator, Boyle Marcom. His actions were interrupted by his brother, and the Omen soon entered the atmosphere of a nearby planet. Although the ship was crashing, Korsin and the others were relieved to find that the planet had breathable air. Sensing his brother's uncertainty, Korsin forcibly attempted to seize control of the ship, but the struggle ended when Seelah arrived on the bridge with Jariad, both having survived the ordeal. As Korsin argued with his wife and brother, they suddenly sighted land. Despite Yaru's efforts to land the Omen safely, the Sith dreadnaught crashed violently onto a plateau. Fortunately, Korsin and his family survived the crash and the perilous journey down the mountain, making camp in the valley below. Korsin's anger towards Marcom persisted, and he confronted the veteran spacer with several of his miners. After blaming Marcom for the ship's crash, Korsin gutted him with his lightsaber in front of Seelah and Jariad. Yaru arrived soon after, furious at his brother for killing their [navigation officer](/article/navigator-legends], but Devore dismissed Yaru's concerns.

The duel between Yaru and Devore Korsin, as witnessed by Adari Vaal

Devore returned to the wreckage of the Omen, hoping to find something that could aid their escape from the planet. His search proved fruitless, and a dejected Korsin took a dose of Red Rage spice and rested in the commander's chair. Yaru eventually entered the ship as well, intending to test the functionality of the Omen's transmitter—Devore had already done so, finding its circuitry completely fried. While Yaru hoped to find a way back to civilization, Devore lacked his optimism and suggested they remain where they were. The debate escalated into a heated argument, and, after Yaru brought up Devore's meeting with Sadow, Devore ignited his lightsaber and attacked his brother with a Force whirlwind. Devore was thrown outside the remains of the Omen, and a full-scale lightsaber duel ensued. Devore gained the advantage through the manic power granted by Red Rage, but Yaru turned the tables by using the Force to wield the Omen itself as a weapon, smashing Devore with a torpedo tube door and partially burying him under a pile of rocks on the plateau's edge. Wounded, Devore pleaded for mercy, but Yaru instead dropped him over the cliff's edge, resulting in his death. Korsin landed on the rocks below, where he was discovered by Adari Vaal, a member of the native Keshiri species, who had witnessed the duel by chance. Ultimately, Korsin's body was carried away by a nearby ocean.

Following Devore Korsin's demise, the surviving crew of the Omen escaped their predicament by impersonating the gods of the planet's Keshiri natives. Stranded on the world, which they learned was called Kesh, the crew established a Sith order that endured for over five thousand years. After Devore's death, Seelah married Yaru and had a daughter with him, named Nida. However, Seelah still harbored love for Devore and plotted to avenge his death. Although the circumstances of Devore's death were kept secret, Seelah discovered Yaru's involvement by reading the thoughts of Adari Vaal. Jariad was also raised to hate Yaru and revere his father. In 4975 BBY, Jariad and Seelah launched an attack on Yaru near the Kesh Sith Temple to exact revenge and seize control of the Sith tribe. While they succeeded in killing Yaru, Seelah lost the use of her legs, and Jariad was killed by Nida, who fought on her father's side.

Personality and traits

Devore Korsin was immature, reckless, and possessed an insatiable ambition. Prone to cutting corners, especially to gain power and wealth, Korsin was quick to assign blame, even in the most dire situations. His relationship with his half-brother, Yaru, was contentious. Yaru resented Devore's character flaws, while Devore envied Yaru's position of authority on their Lignan mining mission and was willing to do anything to take control. Korsin had a closer relationship with his wife, Seelah, although he could be dismissive and sometimes annoyed by her.

Korsin was often angry and had no qualms about lashing out at those he felt had wronged him or stood in his way. His spice addiction amplified these fits of anger. Korsin greatly respected the toughness of the Sith Massassi warriors accompanying the mission, finding it hard to believe when they began to die after the Omen's crash on Kesh. Korsin was among the first to accept that the Omen's crew would not escape Kesh. He had pale skin and dark eyes.

Powers and abilities

Devore Korsin, as strong as any Sith in his family, had his natural abilities enhanced by the manic rage induced by spice, especially the Red Rage variant he favored. He was skilled with a lightsaber and, through his father's support and his work in the Sith mineralogical service, with plasma weapons and scanning equipment. Korsin was also trained in the Force, capable of using techniques like Force whirlwind.

Behind the scenes

Devore Korsin made his debut in Lost Tribe of the Sith: Precipice, a 2009 eBook by John Jackson Miller. Korsin later appeared briefly in the novella's sequel, Lost Tribe of the Sith: Skyborn, and was mentioned in several subsequent sequels, as well as in the 2012 reference book The Essential Reader's Companion.

