The Lost Tribe of Sith later renamed the Omen, originally a Sith dreadnaught, to the Ship of Destiny. This ship was a part of Naga Sadow's Sith Empire. In the year 5000 BBY, Sadow gave the Omen, under the command of Captain Yaru Korsin, the task of mining Lignan ore. This ore was meant to be used in the Sith invasion of the Galactic Republic that was being planned. However, the Omen, along with its sister ship, the Harbinger, came under attack by Jedi forces. While attempting to escape into hyperspace, the Omen was thrown off course, resulting in a crash landing on the isolated world of Kesh. The surviving Sith members of the crew were left stranded there for thousands of years. The Sith, aided by the native Keshiri, constructed a temple that was built over the wreckage of the Omen. But in 41 ABY, the Sith Meditation Sphere Ship made its way to Kesh and assisted the Sith in leaving the planet. They then ambushed starships to scavenge parts that would be used to rebuild the Omen. They eventually succeeded, and the Omen became one of the initial ships within the Tribe's fleet.
The Omen was a Sith dreadnaught, a type of starship that had an appearance similar to that of a lanvarok. This dreadnaught was, on at least one occasion, used to transport resources needed for ore mining operations, even though it was also considered a warship. The vessel had the capability to carry a variety of Blade-class starfighters. Furthermore, as a Sith dreadnaught, it possessed significant power—even by 41 ABY, when these ships were thousands of years obsolete, Sith dreadnaughts were still regarded as considerable threats due to their substantial firepower.
The Omen was a Sith dreadnaught utilized by the Old Sith Empire leading up to the Great Hyperspace War. In 5000 BBY, the Sith Lord Naga Sadow tasked the Omen, under the leadership of Captain Yaru Korsin, along with another dreadnaught called the Harbinger, with extracting Lignan ore. The ore was to be used for the planned invasion of the Galactic Republic. The two Sith ships located Lignan on the largest moon of Phaegon III, but they were ambushed by a Jedi starfighter. Despite launching their starfighters, the Jedi Infiltrator rammed the Harbinger, causing it to collide with the Omen just as the Omen was jumping to hyperspace in an attempt to escape. The impact caused the Omen's jump to go off course, which led to it crash-landing on the remote Wild Space planet of Kesh.

Soon after the crash, a duel occurred at the crash site of the Omen between Yaru Korsin and his half-brother, Devore Korsin. Devore was trying to take command of the Sith from Yaru. Yaru was victorious against Devore and maintained his control over the surviving Sith. Eventually, with assistance from the planet's native sentient species, the Keshiri—who believed the newcomers were their gods, known as the Skyborn—they constructed a new temple over the remains of the ship in the Takara Mountains. The Sith then began to mine the planet in search of materials to rebuild the warship; however, they were never able to locate the necessary materials, and the Sith were stranded on the planet for more than 5,000 years. The members of the Sith Tribe eventually began referring to the ship as the "Ship of Destiny."
In 41 ABY, the Sith Meditation Sphere known as Ship arrived on Kesh and established contact with the Tribe. It took several of the Sith on missions to attack nearby passing starships in order to steal parts to rebuild the Omen. Once the repairs were completed, the Omen became one of the first ships in the Tribe's new Sith armada.
The Omen made its debut in Lost Tribe of the Sith: Precipice, which was the first eBook in John Jackson Miller's Lost Tribe of the Sith series. The vessel was first called the "Ship of Destiny" in Fate of the Jedi: Omen, the second novel in the Fate of the Jedi series.