Nink, a male member of the uvak species, was a bird-like being native to the planet Kesh. He lived during the period after the Great Hyperspace War. Born in 5015 BBY, Nink eventually became the personal mount of Zhari Vaal, a Keshiri member of the Neshtovar ruling council. Zhari Vaal treated Nink poorly. Eventually, Nink had enough. During a flight over the ocean, Nink dropped Vaal, causing his death. Nink then became the responsibility of Vaal's widow, Adari Vaal, a geologist. Adari Vaal, after spreading Kesh's origin teachings deemed heretical by the council, had to escape the Neshtovar on Nink's back. Nink transported Vaal to the isolated Cetajan Mountains, where they encountered a group of Sith who had recently crash-landed. Vaal assisted the Sith in escaping their predicament, and they subsequently pretended to be the Keshiri's Skyborn gods, seizing control of Kesh as the new Lost Tribe of Sith.
By 4975 BBY, Nink, at the age of forty, was the oldest uvak that the Keshiri could remember. By this time, his master had become the leader of a clandestine Keshiri resistance movement aiming to overthrow the Lost Tribe. As part of their strategy, Vaal, in that specific year, piloted Nink at the forefront of a large group of stolen uvak ridden by resistance fighters, intending to sacrifice themselves to weaken the Lost Tribe's ability to traverse Kesh. However, after Vaal steered Nink into the turbulent air currents above the Sessal Spire volcano, Nink deviated from the plan of plunging into the water; instead, he arrived at a remote island located somewhere in the ocean.
Nink, an emerald-eyed uvak with multicolored plumage, belonged to a non-sentient avian species. Like his fellow uvaks, Nink was native to the remote planet of Kesh in Wild Space. Some time after being hatched in 5015 BBY, Nink became the personal mount of Zhari Vaal, who was a member of Kesh's ruling council, the Neshtovar. The Neshtovar were considered the most skilled uvak riders on the planet. However, Nink's master was cruel. Shortly before the year 5000 BBY, Vaal mistreated Nink one too many times. One morning, Nink flew Vaal far out over the ocean and dropped the Keshiri rider, causing his death. Later that day, Nink returned to Vaal's home in the city of Tahv, and Vaal's wife, Adari Vaal, believed he had a look of satisfaction. Following tradition, Nink was passed on to Adari Vaal. However, without a rider, Nink spent much of the following year idly in the backyard. Nonetheless, Nink adapted well to this new lifestyle. During this period, Nink exhibited a rather lethargic personality, content with inactivity and ignoring Vaal.

In 5000 BBY, Nink's peaceful life was significantly disrupted. Adari Vaal, a geologist, sparked considerable controversy by promoting theories about Kesh's creation that contradicted the popular religious stories of Keshiri society. Vaal was compelled to defend her findings before the Neshtovar, and public outrage towards the "heretic" Vaal escalated to the point where large crowds of Keshiri gathered in front of her family home, pelting it with rocks. Following a massive explosion in the nearby Cetajan Mountains attributed to Vaal's heresy, their anger intensified, prompting Vaal to flee. Nink was her only means of escape, and despite Vaal's lack of prior experience riding an uvak, Nink followed her lead and took flight. Flying far over the ocean, much to Vaal's dismay due to her husband's fate, Nink evaded pursuit from Neshtovar fliers on their own uvaks before finding a seaside mountain roost not far from the explosion's origin. Although Nink had an opportunity to abandon Vaal, he remained and consumed whatever foliage he could find. The next morning, Vaal rode Nink toward the explosion site, discovering a burning wreck and a man discarding something over a cliff. The object plummeted past Nink, startling him and nearly causing him to drop Vaal into the sea. After Vaal regained her balance, the frightened Nink flew back to their previous roost as quickly as possible.
That night, Vaal noticed fires, clearly set by someone, further in the mountains. Compelled to investigate, she ventured forward, although Nink refused to accompany her. Approaching the source of light, Vaal stumbled upon a camp of Sith who had recently crash-landed on Kesh aboard a starship whose wreckage Vaal had previously observed. The Sith, suspicious of Vaal, took her prisoner. Fearful of the newcomers and the native wildlife of the Cetajan Mountain region, Nink spent the next several days observing Vaal from high above. In the Sith encampment, the group's leader, Captain Yaru Korsin, persuaded Vaal to assist them in escaping their precarious situation in the mountains. To that end, Vaal summoned Nink, who flew her back to the mainland. Nink and Vaal attracted Neshtovar fliers, who followed them back to the Sith camp in the Cetajan Mountains. The Sith seized the opportunity to impress the Neshtovar with their Force abilities, proclaiming themselves the Keshiri's Skyborn gods returning home. The Keshiri populace, except for Vaal, fell for their deception, and the Sith assumed control of their society.

Over the subsequent twenty-five years, as the new Lost Tribe of Sith expanded their dominance, virtually all uvaks in the land were seized by the Sith. However, Vaal was permitted to keep Nink as an exception, allowing her to visit Yaru Korsin, with whom she had developed a friendship, at the Kesh Sith Temple in the mountains. Secretly, Vaal led an underground Keshiri resistance group dedicated to overthrowing the Lost Tribe regime. By 4975 BBY, after years of surveillance and plotting, the resistance initiated a plan to defeat the Lost Tribe. By this point, Nink, at forty years old, was the oldest uvak in Keshiri memory. The resistance intended to steal the Sith's uvaks and fly them to their doom. By crippling the Sith's ability to effectively traverse the vast Keshiri landscape, they would become vulnerable to an armed uprising. To that end, when Vaal took off, Nink would emit a powerful nesting cry, commanding all uvaks within earshot to follow, then fly to the Sessal Spire volcano. The air currents above the Spire would carry the uvaks, and their Keshiri riders, to their deaths.
When the day arrived, Vaal mounted Nink and took to the skies, planning to rendezvous with a large group of other Keshiri on uvak-back. However, an unforeseen obstacle arose when the resistance leader's son, Tona Vaal, fell in love with Korsin's daughter, Nida Korsin, and revealed the details of the plan, enabling the Sith to prevent the capture of many uvaks. Nevertheless, Vaal and Nink reached the rendezvous point, along with a considerable group of resistance members and airborne uvaks. Despite her distress over her son's betrayal, Vaal resolved to continue, flying Nink towards the Sessal Spire and, seemingly, to her doom. However, Nink did not succumb to a watery grave. Along with some straggling uvaks and Keshiri, Nink reached a barren island in the middle of the ocean. Although near death from exhaustion, Nink had survived. While the island lacked abundant resources, Vaal and other Keshiri survivors established a makeshift settlement. When the day came that the venerable Nink finally passed away, his remains would be used for construction purposes.
Nink first appeared in John Jackson Miller's 2009 eBook Lost Tribe of the Sith: Precipice, which was the first installment in Miller's nine-part Lost Tribe of the Sith series. However, he was not identified by name until the series' subsequent installment, Skyborn. Nink also made an appearance in the series' fourth story, Savior. In 2012, Nink was mentioned and depicted for the first time in Pablo Hidalgo's reference book, The Essential Reader's Companion. In this book, he was illustrated by Darren Tan.