Before the Great Hyperspace War during the years leading up to it, the Neshtovar held dominion over the planet Kesh, specifically its isolated territory of Keshtah Minor. These individuals were famed for their skills as riders of the indigenous avian creatures known as uvak, using them as a symbol of their aristocratic standing. The Neshtovar were not only the political leaders, but also the police force, the primary religious figures, and even the communication network for Keshtah Minor, using their uvak to navigate the landscape and deliver messages across great distances. In 5000 BBY, Izri Dazh held the esteemed position of High Councilor within the Neshtovar. In that year, he initiated a public inquiry into the teachings of geologist Adari Vaal regarding the formation of Kesh, deeming them heretical. Following the siege of Vaal's home by angry mobs, she sought refuge in the mountains, where she encountered a group of Sith who had crash-landed. These newcomers deceptively presented themselves as the Skyborn gods, and Dazh and the Neshtovar were deceived, relinquishing control of their society to them. Sadly for the Neshtovar, in 4985 BBY the new Lost Tribe of Sith seized their uvak, which drove many Neshtovar to join the Keshiri resistance led by Vaal, seeking to overthrow the Sith's authority. Nevertheless, their efforts were unsuccessful, and the occupation persisted.

In the era preceding the Great Hyperspace War, the Neshtovar were the governing body of the isolated planet of Kesh, specifically ruling over the continent of Keshtah Minor. Within Keshiri society, the Neshtovar had a reputation as skilled riders of the native avian uvak beasts. These creatures were utilized by the all-male organization as a form of police force for the continent. The Keshiri people regarded the Neshtovar as the direct representatives of the Skyborn gods, who, according to their legends, had shaped Kesh's landmass in a Great Battle against the malevolent Otherside. Therefore, to act against the Skyborn was seen as acting against the Neshtovar, who proclaimed themselves as the "Sons of the Skyborn." With a deep devotion to their religion, the Neshtovar often lacked curiosity, never fully defining the nature of the Otherside. In cases of crimes like heresy, the Neshtovar had the power to subject the alleged offender to a public trial at the Circle Eternal plaza in the capital city of Tahv, where the accused would have to defend themselves. In earlier times, if a Neshtovari predeceased his family, the community would slay his entire family. However, this practice had ceased by 5000 BBY. Instead, if a Neshtovari died, his widow received protection within Keshiri society. This shift greatly improved the social standing of the Neshtovari, making them highly desirable partners.
The Neshtovar were under the leadership of a High Councilor, a position held by Izri Dazh by 5000 BBY. The High Councilor's duties included presiding over the trials at the Circle Eternal. Other elders within the Neshtovar often had thrones created for themselves. In addition to maintaining peace and order in Keshtah, the Neshtovar also functioned as a communication system for the continent, using their uvak to transport messages across the vast distances of Keshtah. Their ability to overcome the natural barriers that divided the region made them particularly valuable. As such, the Neshtovar possessed extensive knowledge of Kesh's ecosystem, including the turbulent air currents surrounding the Sessal Spire volcano. Each village had a senior rider who received information from circuit riders bringing news from Tahv. Members of the Neshtovar resided in wooden houses that were considered luxurious compared to the hejarbo-shoot huts inhabited by most Keshiri. The Keshiri language was the primary form of communication used by the Neshtovar.

According to legend, the ancient Neshtovar were the ones who brought the knowledge of the Great Battle and the story of Kesh's creation to the people from the oceanside mountains of the planet in mythical times. These stories became central to Keshiri society, with the Neshtovar incorporating them into earlier tales of the Protectors and the Destructors. Over the following centuries, the Neshtovar led mapping expeditions along the coasts of Keshtah, discovering that the planet's landmass was highly asymmetrical. This discovery supported the story of the Great Battle, which claimed that Kesh's landmass was formed from drops of blood shed by the Skyborn gods. The Neshtovar also ventured beyond the coastlines of Keshtah, finding only seemingly endless sea in every direction.
In 5000 BBY, the Neshtovar initiated a trial against Adari Vaal, a geologist from Tahv accused of heresy. Vaal's examination of volcanic rock had revealed evidence about the creation of Kesh's landmass that contradicted the story of the Great Battle. Vaal was the widow of Zhari Vaal, a promising young Neshtovar rider who died prematurely when he was thrown from his uvak, Nink. Ironically, Vaal's findings were partially due to the assistance of a sympathetic rider who volunteered to bring her samples from the Cetajan Mountains. The hearings of Vaal were attended by large crowds of Keshiri, who watched as High Councilor Izri Dazh cross-examined the geologist. However, on the fourth day of testimony, a massive explosion in the nearby Cetajan Mountains disrupted the proceedings.
While the cause of the explosion remained unknown, a number of Neshtovari joined a large group of Keshiri surrounding Vaal's home, suspecting that Vaal's supposed heresy had angered the Skyborn. Feeling unsafe, Vaal fled into the mountains on Nink's back, evading pursuit by the Neshtovar. In the mountains, Vaal discovered the source of the explosion: a crashed Sith starship, whose surviving crew had established a makeshift camp nearby. The Sith captured Vaal, and their captain, Yaru Korsin, convinced her to lead them to civilization. Vaal promptly flew out of the Cetajan Mountains and attracted the attention of Neshtovari patrols in the area, who followed her into the wilderness only to find a group of 240 Sith armed with lightsabers. After being rescued from their predicament by a series of Neshtovari operations over three days, the Sith posed as the Skyborn gods who had returned to Kesh. The Neshtovar believed the deception, with High Councilor Dazh personally convinced by Korsin using his telekinetic powers to levitate the aged Keshiri. Dazh led all the Neshtovar in the region in a public welcoming of the "Skyborn" to Kesh during a massive celebration in the Circle Eternal. As a sign of tribute to their gods, the Neshtovar vacated their homes, giving them to the supposed Skyborn.

However, the coming of the Skyborn was not the blessing that the Neshtovar had hoped for. It signaled a transformation of the Neshtovar's way of life. Soon after seizing control, the new Lost Tribe of Sith appropriated the strongest uvak for themselves, while most of the other domesticated uvak were relegated to animal labor. Although the Neshtovar were initially allowed to fly uvak on visits to the mountain Kesh Sith Temple and for other administrative tasks, this came to an end in 4985 BBY. That year, after Ravilan Wroth, a prominent pureblood Sith, caused the deaths of many Keshiri in the Ragnos Lakes region, and the subsequent extermination of his people from Kesh by the Lost Tribe's Human members, Grand Lord Yaru Korsin decided that the only messages he wanted spread were those of the Lost Tribe. The uvak were taken from the Neshtovar, and the former riders were either reduced to police work, staffing local bureaucracies, or maintaining stables for uvak they would never get to command. This sparked a backlash among many Neshtovar, some of whom joined an undercover Keshiri resistance led by Vaal that aimed to overthrow the Lost Tribe's rule. By 4975 BBY, the resistance was ready to implement their final plan, which would heavily rely on the group's Neshtovar agents.
The plan involved the Neshtovar stablehands who cared for the Lost Tribe's uvak stealing the creatures and taking to the skies, using their cries to attract other, untamed uvak. With control over a herd of thousands of uvak, the Neshtovar would then lead them into the chaotic air currents surrounding the Sessal Spire volcano, which would lead to their deaths by water. Their sacrifice would leave the Sith unable to effectively move across Keshtah's vast landscape, making them vulnerable to an armed uprising. However, when the time came to carry out the plan, not enough uvak gathered at the Sessal Spire. Tona Vaal, a member of the Neshtovar and son of Adari and Zhari Vaal, had fallen in love with Korsin's daughter, Nida, and revealed the details of the plot to her, allowing the Sith to protect most of their uvak. Ultimately, this led to the plan's failure, and the Lost Tribe continued their reign over Kesh.
By 5000 BBY, Izri Dazh was the High Councilor of the Neshtovar, presiding over the body at the Circle Eternal. By this time, Dazh was an elderly Keshiri who led the Neshtovari inquest into Adari Vaal's geological work. Dazh was a devoted follower of the Skyborn religion and did everything he could to portray Vaal as a faithless heretic. When the Sith arrived on Kesh shortly afterward, Dazh completely fell for their disguise, personally convinced after being levitated by Yaru Korsin using the power of the Force. Dazh then declared that the Neshtovar should give their homes to the "Skyborn," ceding his own to Korsin and his future wife, Seelah. Dazh passed away sometime before 4975 BBY, but by that point, his sons and grandsons had become leading members of Adari Vaal's Keshiri resistance.
Zhari Vaal, whom Izri Dazh described at his funeral as the "valiant young rider of the Neshtovar on whom so many hopes rested," was a prominent member of the Neshtovar at a young age. While respected by his fellow riders, Vaal was known for mistreating his loyal uvak, Nink, which ultimately led to his death. One morning, Nink flew Vaal far out over the ocean and unceremoniously dropped him into the water. High Councilor Dazh personally eulogized Vaal at his wake. Vaal's widow, Adari, later clashed with the Neshtovar in 5000 BBY, and his son, Tona, eventually became a member of the group.
The Neshtovar made their first appearance in John Jackson Miller's 2009 eBook Lost Tribe of the Sith: Skyborn, which was the second installment in his nine-part Lost Tribe of the Sith series.