Ragnos Lakes

The location known as the Ragnos Lakes existed on the isolated planet of Kesh. This name was bestowed upon it by the Lost Tribe, a group of Sith who were stranded there, in honor of Marka Ragnos, a former Dark Lord of the Sith. Eight villages surrounded the lakes, with Tetsubal being the one situated farthest from the center of Sith influence on Kesh. The area is infamous for the deaths of thousands of local Keshiri in 4985 BBY, orchestrated by the Sith Ravilan Wroth and, unbeknownst to him, the prominent Sith Seelah Korsin. Consequently, the area was deserted.


Located to the south of Tahv, one of the major cities on the planet of Kesh, were the Ragnos Lakes. These lakes were encircled by eight villages, including Tetsubal and Rabolow, which housed hundreds of thousands of native Keshiri inhabitants. The lakes themselves were a habitat for various types of fluorescent algae.


Around 5000 BBY, a starship called the Omen crashed on Kesh, carrying a group of Sith. These survivors became known as the Lost Tribe of Sith, and they swiftly gained control of the planet. They named the lakes in memory of Marka Ragnos, the deceased Dark Lord of the Sith. In 4985 BBY, the local Keshiri population began harvesting a type of fluorescent algae from the Ragnos Lakes. Yaru Korsin, the leader of the Lost Tribe, dispatched [Ravilan Wroth](/article/ravilan_wroth], one of his advisors, to the area to determine if the algae could be used for lighting Sith structures. Wroth, who yearned to escape isolation on Kesh, seized the opportunity to persuade the Sith to disengage from Keshiri affairs and concentrate on finding a means of leaving the planet. He and several accomplices used the lethal compound cyanogen silicate to poisoned the water supply of Tetsubal, resulting in the deaths of the entire Keshiri population there. However, Wroth's actions were discovered, and Seelah, wife to Yaru Korsin, plotted to poison the remaining villages around the Ragnos Lakes and frame Wroth. Her plan succeeded flawlessly, leading to the systematic purged of Wroth and other members of the Sith species on Kesh. Consequently, the Ragnos Lakes region was abandoned, and its deserted settlements were regarded as ghost towns. By 3960 BBY, the area was widely believed to be haunted.

Behind the scenes

The Ragnos Lakes are referenced in three eBooks by John Jackson MillerLost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon, Purgatory, and [Sentinel](/article/lost_tribe_of_the_sith:sentinel. However, the lakes themselves have not been visually depicted.

