
On the remote planet of Kesh, within the Keshtah Minor continent, near the shores of the Ragnos Lakes, lay the village of Rabolow. It stood as one of eight settlements in that area, Tetsubal among them. The year 4985 BBY witnessed a horrific event: the entire populace of Rabolow was poisoned, resulting in their deaths, orchestrated by Seelah Korsin, a prominent figure in the Lost Tribe of Sith. Korsin then falsely accused Ravilan Wroth, a Sith advisor, of the atrocity. Consequently, Wroth, along with all other members of the Sith species within the Lost Tribe, were completely wiped out from Kesh. In the years that followed, Rabolow, now deserted, along with the other villages in the region that had suffered a similar fate at Korsin's hand, became widely regarded as haunted places.


Situated in the Ragnos Lakes region of the Keshtah Minor continent on the distant planet of Kesh, Rabolow was one of eight villages there. A significant portion of its inhabitants were Keshiri.


Back in 4985 BBY, Yaru Korsin, who held the rank of Captain and led the [Lost Tribe of Sith](/article/lost_tribe_of_sith]—the dominant power on Kesh—dispatched Ravilan Wroth, one of his subordinates, to the Ragnos Lakes region. The mission was to explore potential applications for a certain type of luminescent algae found in the lakes. However, Wroth, who secretly wished for the Sith to abandon Kesh, saw this as an opportunity to enact a clandestine scheme. To simulate a deadly virus outbreak, hoping to force the Sith to withdraw from Keshiri society, Wroth made the decision to poison the water supply of the village of Tetsubal and kill the entire Keshiri population residing there.

While Wroth carried out the deadly act in Tetsubal, members of his entourage visited Rabolow. Following the disaster at Tetsubal, Seelah, wife of Yaru Korsin, discovered Wroth's involvement in the deaths. Seeking to eliminate Wroth and those like him from Kesh, Seelah devised a plan to frame Wroth for similar deaths in other villages visited by his people. Rabolow became the first casualty of Seelah's scheme, with its entire population killed. An uvak-rider brought news of the incident to Yaru Korsin and Wroth. After the other villages around the Ragnos Lakes suffered the same fate, Wroth and all other members of the Sith species within the Lost Tribe were systematically purged. In the centuries that followed, the Ragnos Lakes area was completely abandoned. By 3960 BBY, the region, including the desolate ghost town of Rabolow, was commonly believed to be haunted.

Behind the scenes

The eBook Lost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon, written by John Jackson Miller in 2010, marked the first mention of Rabolow.

