Jelph Marrian's farm

A farm, situated in the Takara Mountains on the planet of Kesh, belonged to and was managed by Jedi Knight Jelph Marrian. Marrian, having crash-landed in the world's jungle highlands in 3963 BBY, made his home at the farm. He transported the components of his strikefighter to the farm, where he reconstructed the fighter. During this time, he learned of a Sith Tribe present on Kesh and concealed his identity among them, posing as a slave who traded with the indigenous Keshiri species. Orielle Kitai, a Sith Saber, frequently visited him. However, after being falsely accused of an assassination attempt against Sith Grand Lord Lillia Venn, Kitai discovered Marrian's fighter. She hurried back to Tahv, the capital city, and informed her mother, Candra Kitai, who had also been implicated in the attack on Venn and subsequently enslaved. Marrian soon located Orielle and convinced her to escape with him. However, her mother betrayed her to Grand Lord Venn in exchange for her own freedom. Venn, accompanied by her closest supporters, quickly traveled to Marrian's farm to secure the fighter. Marrian and Kitai confronted Venn and her allies. As Venn attempted to take off in Marrian's vessel, she triggered a safety line connected to the fighter. This, in turn, detonated proton torpedos that Marrian had strategically placed beneath the ground, resulting in the destruction of the farm and the deaths of Venn and her companions.

