In the year 44 ABY, a confrontation took place within the grounds of the Dark Force Temple situated on the world of Dromund Kaas. This conflict involved Sith Sabers loyal to the dark side being Abeloth, and members of the Jedi Order.

While in search of Abeloth and members of Khai's Sith Tribe, Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker, along with his son Ben, his niece Jaina Solo, and the former Sith apprentice Vestara Khai, were suddenly attacked. Ten Sabers who had abandoned the Tribe to align themselves with Abeloth initiated the ambush. These Sabers, under the command of Khai's father, Gavar, launched an assault on the Jedi. The Jedi emerged victorious from the resulting battle, suffering no losses. However, Khai was compelled to eliminate her own father. Following this event, Khai chose to become a member of the Jedi Order.