A death convulsion signified a unique experience; a Force-sensitive being perceived it as a component of a disturbance in the Force when another being died.
Throughout the history of the galaxy, instances of death convulsions have been recorded. One such instance involved the sensations experienced by Force Adepts upon the passing of their masters. As an example, Satele Shan underwent a death convulsion when her master was killed by Malgus during a battle fought over Korriban. Years later, Aryn Leneer sensed a death convulsion when her own Master, Ven Zallow, was killed by Malgus during the Sacking of Coruscant.
Another instance of a death convulsion occurred when numerous beings perished simultaneously. One such event happened when Meetra Surik gave the order to utilize the Mass Shadow Generator to bring an end to the Mandalorian Wars on Malachor V, an event so potent that it transformed her and Darth Nihilus into living wounds in the Force. Yoda felt this while he was on Kashyyyk when Order 66 was put into effect. Obi-Wan Kenobi also experienced a death convulsion when the Death Star destroyed Alderaan, describing it as hearing the screams of the entire planet's population, only for it to be cut off abruptly. The pupils of the Jedi Praxeum felt a convulsion when Kyp Durron destroyed Carida using the Sun Crusher he had stolen.
A third instance of a death convulsion could be set off by the death of a particularly powerful Force-sensitive individual, or by the loss of a loved one. Zekk experienced this sensation upon the death of Brakiss when the Shadow Academy was destroyed in an explosion. During a disastrous mission over Myrkr in 27 ABY, Jedi who had trained at the Jedi Praxeum, as well as members of the Solo and Skywalker families, felt the death of Anakin Solo at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong. The death of Mara Jade Skywalker at the hands of Anakin's fallen brother Jacen during the Second Galactic Civil War also resulted in a death convulsion, which was felt by Mara's husband, son, and sister-in-law. Jacen's own death at the hands of his sister Jaina may have caused a minor death convulsion, as Jaina and Tenel Ka Djo felt the death of the Jacen they once knew, rather than Darth Caedus, the Sith Lord he had become. Almost a century later, the death of Darth Krayt when Cade Skywalker struck him down caused his army of Sith troopers to descend into madness and launch suicide attacks against their fellow Sith.
The Tsils of Nam Chorios were capable of generating notably powerful death convulsions. Sith Acolyte Vestara Khai triggered a convulsion by killing a Tsil in order to improve the chances of her allies surviving.