During the Great Galactic War, Ven Zallow served the Jedi Order as a Jedi Master and was a male Human. Zallow and his fellow Jedi confronted Darth Malgus and Eleena Daru, who had infiltrated the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the capital of the Republic. However, before they could act, a Republic shuttle that had been captured and filled with Sith Inquisitors and Sith warriors crashed into the Temple's primary entrance. The Sith disembarked and immediately attacked the Jedi. Zallow engaged Malgus, demonstrating his mastery of the lightsaber and the Force. Ultimately, the Sith Lord impaled and killed him, marking the beginning of the reconstituted Sith Empire's assault on Coruscant.
Ven Zallow was a Jedi Master, specifically a male human, who lived through the Great Galactic War. This war began in 3681 BBY with the resurgence of the Sith Empire, a forgotten power, which then challenged the Galactic Republic. During this time, Zallow brought his apprentice, Aryn Leneer, to the rank of Jedi Knight, and he gifted her a Nautolan tranquillity bracelet upon her Knighthood. In 3653 BBY, 28 years into the war, the Sith contacted the Republic expressing a desire to negotiate peace. The Jedi Order, the Republic's dedicated protectors, were wary of the Sith's sincerity. However, recognizing their slim chances of winning the war, they decided to explore the possibility of peace. Leneer was chosen as one of the Republic's representatives for the peace conference on Alderaan, a Core World, and Zallow saw her off as she departed from Coruscant, the Republic's capital planet. Unbeknownst to the Republic, the Sith were using the negotiations as a distraction while their forces prepared to strike the Republic's capital.

When Darth Malgus and his lover, Eleena Daru, infiltrated the Jedi Temple on Coruscant as an advance team for the impending attack, Zallow was present. The Sith pair proceeded to kill a squad of Temple security guards who attempted to prevent their entry. As the two intruders advanced, Zallow, accompanied by his allies who were wielding lightsabers and positioned on multiple levels flanking him, stood silently before Malgus, his eyes fixed on the Sith Lord. Before either could react, a captured Republic shuttle crashed through the Temple's main entrance, causing damage and halting behind Malgus. The Jedi maintained their position as the shuttle stopped. The hatch opened, revealing a force of at least twenty-five Sith warriors who ignited their lightsabers and engaged the assembled Jedi and Temple Security in intense combat.
After using telekinesis to hurl the Twi'lek against a stone pillar, Zallow was warned by his astromech droid companion, T7-O1, of Malgus's incoming attack. He then engaged the Sith Lord in combat, holding his own. He was knocked back by a kick, which he used to strike at a pair of Sith before leaping into the air as Malgus threw his lightsaber at him, narrowly missing. However, while airborne, Malgus used the Force to send him crashing through rubble.
Malgus retrieved his lightsaber using the Force and jumped over the rubble, bringing his weapon down in a killing blow where Zallow had been moments before. However, the Jedi had used Force speed to evade the strike and re-engaged Malgus in lightsaber combat, even striking his enemy's face with the hilt of his lightsaber. Ultimately, he was outmatched and was fatally stabbed through the abdomen. As he lay dying, the Sith Lord revealed that the Jedi Order had been deceived and the Republic would fall. Zallow's final sight was the burning Temple Precinct, with Sith starfighters, warships, and ground forces continuing their assault on the capital world, a battle that would lead to the death of the Republic's Supreme Chancellor and the Temple's destruction. Malgus ensured the Temple became the final resting place for Zallow and the others.
On Alderaan, Leneer sensed Zallow's death and immediately understood the negotiations were a deception. After the talks concluded, she reflected on Zallow's death and vowed to confront his killer. When Leneer reunited with T7-O1 on Odessen after facing Malgus, it reminded her of Zallow and how grateful he would have been to know that the droid found a home. Leneer also considered what Zallow would have wanted her to do after she left the Jedi Order, deciding he would have wanted her to continue helping others.
Ven was a human male characterized by light skin, green eyes, and brown hair. Zallow was a wise and composed Jedi Master whose presence in the Force provided great comfort to his former apprentice, Aryn Leneer. When Darth Malgus and Eleena Daru broke through the Temple's defenses, Zallow led his comrades in confronting them, creating a standoff. Even as the captured Republic shuttle crashed through the main entrance, the Jedi stood firm while his companions took a few steps back. When the Sith emerged, Zallow joined his allies in defending the Temple, quickly engaging Malgus in a ultimately unsuccessful battle.

Ven Zallow was among the most celebrated Jedi of his time, considered Darth Malgus's most famous kill. This distinction surpassed even Kao Cen Darach, the Jedi Battlemaster whom Malgus defeated earlier. Zallow's lightsaber skills allowed him to easily defeat numerous Sith Warriors and Sith troopers. Even Lord Adraas, Malgus's longtime rival, could not defeat Zallow during the Sacking of Coruscant. Malgus himself respected Zallow's swordsmanship and eagerly engaged him in combat. During their brief but intense duel, Zallow managed to strike Malgus in the face with the hilt of his lightsaber but was eventually killed by a stab through the abdomen.
Zallow demonstrated a variety of Force powers during the invasion of the Jedi Temple, including telekinetic abilities such as Force Jump and Force Speed to evade Malgus's lightsaber attacks, which ultimately led to his death. He was also highly acrobatic, even without using the Force. Additionally, he was skilled in using Force Push, which he used to incapacitate Malgus's lover, Eleena Daru, during the battle.

Ven Zallow wore Jedi robes and battle armor. He used a green-bladed lightsaber in both training and combat until his death. His lightsaber was larger and heavier than his Padawan Aryn Leneer's, who later acquired and kept it after Zallow's T7-O1 astromech droid found it in the ruins of the destroyed Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Both Master and apprentice—the latter using the Jar'Kai style—used the lightsaber against the Sith Lord Darth Malgus on different occasions. Malgus was the one who killed Zallow while Coruscant was being destroyed.
Ven Zallow made his initial appearance, though unnamed, in the "Deceived" cinematic trailer released on June 1, 2009, to promote the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Darth Malgus's Holonet entry on The Old Republic website, published on April 30, 2010, introduced a Jedi named Ven Zallow as Malgus's most significant kill. The novel The Old Republic: Deceived, released on March 22, 2011, confirmed that Zallow was the Jedi killed by Malgus during the "Deceived" cinematic.