Within the Reconstituted Sith Empire, link to reconstituted Sith Empire, the elite and influential Sith Inquisitors were a cadre of Force wielders of considerable power. Unlike their [Sith Warrior](link to Sith Warriors) brethren, their expertise lay in Force abilities, with many dedicating themselves to mastering new skills for survival within the treacherous Sith political landscape. While few acolytes managed to ascend to the rank of Inquisitor, those who did demonstrated extraordinary resolve.
On the fields of battle, Inquisitors presented a terrifying display, amassing considerable amounts of [Dark side Force](link to Dark side Force) energy to conjure massive storms of [Force lightning](link to Force lightning), or stealing the vitality of their adversaries to empower themselves and their allies. However, the majority of Inquisitors favored a more subtle approach, becoming adept at manipulating both allies and enemies to achieve their personal ambitions.

Operating within the upper echelons and political circles of Sith society, Sith Inquisitors leveraged their natural cunning and ambition to achieve success. In their pursuit of authority and survival within the cutthroat environment, Inquisitors experimented with forbidden powers to not only survive, but to thrive and seize power. The most formidable Inquisitors ventured into unorthodox practices, unraveling the mysteries of the past and unlocking novel abilities for themselves. Thanks to their manipulative genius, Inquisitors excelled at exploiting both allies and enemies to further their own agendas.
Despite their potential, only a select few acolytes successfully endured the arduous trials required to become Sith Inquisitors. Those who did were often the ones to watch, as only the most determined achieved this feat. Though their skills were diverse and plentiful, Sith Inquisitors were most feared for their ability to channel the Force's energy, making them a sight to behold on the battlefield. By channeling this Force energy, Inquisitors could drain the life from their foes, using it to nourish themselves and their allies. Those who have experienced the sensation of the Inquisitor's Force lightning and survived forever recoil from the crackling sound of electricity.

The attire of Sith Inquisitors was frequently meticulously chosen, with their elaborate robes serving to convey their refined tastes and aspirations for political dominance, while also providing the practicality and flexibility needed for their impressive acrobatic movements in combat. Some Inquisitors were known to push the boundaries of personal expression, opting for clothing intended to instill terror in those they encountered. In combat, Sith Inquisitors often favored [double-bladed lightsabers](link to double-bladed lightsabers), or saberstaffs. Beyond wielding such an unconventional weapon, Sith Inquisitors frequently employed more esoteric and personalized versions of these armaments, particularly in contrast to the more practical and technically advanced weapons preferred by [Sith Warriors](link to Sith Warriors), incorporating features such as exposed [crystal chambers](link to lightsaber crystals) or artificially generated Force lightning coursing through the hilt.

Inquisitors' proficiency in manipulating Force energies enabled them to [draw upon](link to force drain) the life essence of themselves and others. This energy could be directed to augment their abilities, inflict harm upon their enemies, and even revitalize their allies. Inquisitors battled with unbridled ferocity, creating storms of devastation. An Inquisitor's lightsaber skills were equally remarkable. Frequently wielding a [double-bladed lightsaber](link to double-bladed lightsaber), Inquisitors employed swift, cunning, and deadly maneuvers to swiftly dispatch their foes. Whether wielding a lightsaber with lightning-fast strikes, or [Force lightning](link to Force lightning) itself, the Inquisitor's combat style was always a dazzling display of lethal energy.
The Sorcerer specialization offered the highest degree of raw Force power, with these adepts drawing their strength from the darkest depths of the Force, unleashing volatile energies capable of wreaking utter destruction upon their enemies. Furthermore, Sorcerers could employ these same abilities to heal and empower their allies. With the very air around them crackling with energy, powerful Sorcerers were known for their torturous reprisals against those foolish enough to cross them.
In contrast to Sorcerers' focus on raw power, Sith Assassins favored a more subtle approach. Their tools of choice were speed and deception, relying on stealth tactics to infiltrate enemy lines and eliminate high-value targets. Even in open combat, Assassins were exceptionally deadly, utilizing both tactical awareness and [mind tricks](link to mind tricks) to assault their adversaries both physically and mentally, manipulating confrontations to ensure their side maintained the advantage. While highly skilled with the [saberstaff](link to double-bladed lightsaber), their preferred weapon for both offense and defense, Assassins could channel the Force with equal ease.

Sith adepts specializing in [Force powers](link to Force powers) were prevalent within their organizations and empires from the beginning, with figures such as [Naga Sadow](link to Naga Sadow) holding the title of [Sith sorcerer](link to Sith sorcerer). Following the defeat of the [Old Sith Empire](link to Old Sith Empire) in the [Great Hyperspace War](link to Great Hyperspace War), the [reformed Sith Empire](link to reformed Sith Empire) reorganized these specialists into the Sith Inquisitor class, with the term "sorcerer" becoming a specialization within their ranks.
However, during the new Empire's establishment and reconstruction, Sith sorcerers unaffiliated with or unaware of them emerged and terrorized various regions of the galaxy. Examples include [Freedon Nadd](link to Freedon Nadd) and certain members of both the [Onderonian](link to Onderon) and [Tetan monarchies](link to Tetan monarchy). The most notable practitioner was [Exar Kun](link to Exar Kun), a [fallen](link to fallen Jedi) [Jedi](link to Jedi) trained in [Sith alchemy](link to Sith alchemy) by [Freedon Nadd](link to Freedon Nadd) and proclaimed [Dark Lord of the Sith](link to Dark Lord of the Sith) by a gathering of [Sith spirits](link to Force Ghost) led by [Marka Ragnos](link to Marka Ragnos). Kun united various other Sith practitioners and initiated the [Great Sith War](link to Great Sith War) against the Republic, devastating the galaxy and notably destroying the Jedi training world of Ossus before his defeat.
When the Sith Empire returned from the [Unknown Regions](link to Unknown Regions) and attacked the Republic, [Darth Vindican](link to Darth Vindican) was a notable Inquisitor involved in the [initial engagement](link to initial engagement). Vindican and his apprentice, the [Sith Warrior](link to Sith Warrior) [Malgus](link to Darth Malgus), led the assault on a Republic space station above Korriban, clashing with Jedi [Kao Cen Darach](link to Kao Cen Darach) and [Satele Shan](link to Satele Shan), marking the first encounter between Sith and Jedi in centuries. Shan fled the battle, leaving Malgus and Vindican to face Darach. Wielding [dual-lightsabers](link to dual-lightsabers), Darach repelled the two Sith and subdued Vindican by impaling him. Malgus then seized his master's lightsaber, killed Darach, and executed his master, assuming his mantle as Sith Lord. During the [Cold War](link to Cold War), another prominent Inquisitor was [Darth Chratis](link to Darth Chratis), who participated in the [joint Republic/Sith assault on Sebaddon](link to joint Republic/Sith assault on Sebaddon) to halt the destructive actions of the uncontrollable [Hex droids](link to Hex droids). Chratis was overwhelmed by the machines after [his apprentice](link to his apprentice) gained control of them and turned against him.
After the Sith Empire's disappearance, the term "Inquisitor" largely fell out of use, with most preferring the older title of "Sorcerer." When the [Rule of Two](link to Rule of Two) was established by [Darth Bane](link to Darth Bane), the terms "Inquisitor" and "Sorcerer" became more indicative of individual specializations rather than an overall class system, as there were only two Sith Lords at any given time. A notable Sorcerer under the Rule of Two was Bane's apprentice, [Darth Zannah](link to Darth Zannah). When [Darth Krayt](link to Darth Krayt) abolished the Rule of Two and formed his [One Sith](link to One Sith) organization, he reformed the Inquisitors, with a notable member being the [Iktotchi](link to Iktotchi) [Darth Havok](link to Darth Havok).
The Sith Inquisitor is a [playable class](link to playable class) in Star Wars: The Old Republic. It is one of two [Force](link to Force) user classes aligned with the Sith Empire, along with the [Sith Warrior](link to Sith Warrior). The class focuses on ranged Force powers such as Force lightning. The characters of [Emperor](link to Emperor) [Palpatine](link to Palpatine) and [Darth Maul](link to Darth Maul) are cited as inspirations for this class. The advanced classes for the Sith Inquisitor are the [Sith sorcerer](link to Sith sorcerer) and the [Sith assassin](link to Sith assassin).