A rare Force power utilized by the Aing-Tii monks was known as flow-walking. The Aing-Tii instructed Jacen Solo in this technique, which gave him the ability to perceive both the past and the future. A flow-walker could alter events of the past, and in doing so, redirect the course of the future. This power, despite its few limitations, was wielded with extreme caution.
As a way of interacting with the Force, the Aing-Tii employed flow-walking to move along its currents and interpret its intentions. It was crucial to maintain a connection and grounding in the real world while using this technique; otherwise, one risked losing themselves within the flow. Those traveling through time using this ability often left behind a blurred image.
In 35 ABY, Jacen Solo used flow-walking to observe the aftermath of the Tachyon Flier crash. He witnessed Raynar Thul rescuing Lomi Plo and Welk from the wreckage. Knowing that his mother, Leia Organa Solo, would later arrive at the crash site, Jacen employed flow-walking again to leave a Force imprint of himself, thereby connecting Leia to that specific time and place.
In 40 ABY, Solo flow-walked back to the raid on the Jedi Temple to understand what influenced his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, to embrace the Sith. He also used flow-walking to insert himself into two meetings of the Jedi High Council.
Jacen Solo, who had by then declared himself Darth Caedus, also flow-walked with Tahiri Veila on several occasions to sway her to his cause. He traveled back to the time of Anakin Solo's death on the worldship Baanu Rass, allowing her to witness the event. This experience was enough to manipulate her into joining him on the dark side. He also deceived her into believing that flow-walking could alter the past, which was a false claim, as flow-walking does not grant this ability.
Ben Skywalker later acquired flow-walking skills while studying with the Aing-Tii. He used it once to travel back to when Jacen was learning the technique. The experience overwhelmed him so much that he immediately returned to the present and vowed never to use flow-walking again.
Both Ben and Luke Skywalker investigated the possibility of Darth Caedus using flow-walking to infect future Jedi with Force psychosis. However, they did not reach any definitive conclusion, and the true source was later identified as the malevolent entity Abeloth.
In Fate of the Jedi: Omen, a novel, Jysella Horn demonstrates unusually advanced precognitive abilities during combat. Cilghal, recognizing the Force sensations as akin to flow-walking, assumes it to be flow-walking, due to her lack of familiarity with other Aing-Tii time-manipulation methods.