Izal Waz

Izal Waz, a Jedi Knight of the Arcona species, fought during the Yuuzhan Vong War. He was known for his sharp wit and his unusual addiction to salt.


Jedi training

While undergoing training on Yavin 4 under the tutelage of Kenth Hamner, Waz's salt addiction began. This was triggered after he consumed some nerfloaf prepared by Hamner. Subsequently, he indulged in an excessive consumption of salt, devouring what would normally last months in a matter of days. Before completing four months of training, he departed from the Praxeum.

The Yuuzhan Vong War

Jedi Master Eelysa trained Waz and was instrumental in helping him overcome his salt addiction. Approximately two years into the war, he became a member of Saba Sebatyne's Wild Knights squadron. During his time with them, he learned to speak the Barabel language and constructed his own lightsaber.

Before the Battle of Coruscant, while Leia Organa Solo recuperated from injuries sustained on Duro, Waz, along with Eelysa, assisted Han Solo in escaping from a Corellian medical facility. Waz served as the captain of the YT-1300 freighter named Sureshot, piloting it until its destruction upon returning to Coruscant. The ship met its end due to orbital mines.

As the war against the Yuuzhan Vong progressed, Waz participated in significant battles on planets such as Froz, Reecee, Arkania, Talfaglio, Coruscant, Borleias, and Yuuzhan'tar. He made a valuable contribution to the Jedi cause by inventing the glowball. By utilizing the Force to concentrate light, he generated a protective sphere for Jedi fighters. Although this technique demanded his full focus, it proved crucial in enabling the Wild Knights to gather information on the functionality of yammosks.

The Dark Nest

Six years after the war concluded, Waz aligned himself with Kyp Durron during the Killik-Chiss conflict. He volunteered to pilot a StealthX on a mission to rescue Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, who were being held captive by the Killiks. As the StealthX squadron prepared for takeoff, Corran Horn, the acting head of the order, and his allies intervened to prevent their departure. Waz observed as Horn disabled the landing gear of Durron's ship, preventing its launch. Impressed by Horn's actions, Waz remarked on his surprise at Horn's capabilities. Fellow Jedi Knight Jaina Solo cautioned him against making light of the situation, fearing it would worsen. Solo and Zekk suggested joining Durron in his dispute with Horn and his followers, but advised leaving their lightsabers in their cockpits to de-escalate tensions and prevent conflict. Waz joined the rest of the squadron in supporting Durron, arguing that the Jedi had an obligation to prioritize peace over convenience, even if it meant opposing the interests of the Galactic Alliance.

Rising Tensions

In 44 ABY, Waz was among the experienced Jedi pilots who helped lead the StealthX wing in support of Luke Skywalker and Ben Skywalker in their battle against the Lost Tribe of Sith and Abeloth. Later, he delivered a eulogy at the funeral of his former master, Kenth Hamner, who had perished in a duel with Master Saba Sebatyne after being removed from his position as acting Grand Master by the Jedi Council. Overcome with grief, Waz lit the funeral pyre of his deceased master after completing the eulogy.

Some months later, Waz, along with hundreds of other Jedi, infiltrated Coruscant, which had been secretly seized by the Lost Tribe of Sith, to begin liberating the planet. Following Corran Horn's assassination of Sith Master Jestat Vhool, Waz collected him on a speeder bike and navigated through the congested Coruscant traffic, heading towards their next target. After the assassinations were completed, Waz joined Master Sebatyne in leading a group of younger Jedi Knights in hunting down any remaining Sith who had not retreated into the captured Jedi Temple.

Powers and abilities

Waz was known for utilizing a technique he referred to as a "Glowball." This involved creating a sphere of light to shield his and allied ships during space combat. Employed during the Yuuzhan Vong War, it proved beneficial to the all-Jedi squadron led by Saba Sebatyne. On one occasion, he also utilized this technique to conceal a large block of durasteel.

