Sith shadow-ghoul

Sith shadow-ghouls were once members of the Lost Tribe of Sith, but their physical forms were reanimated via the Force by the dark side entity Abeloth. This occurred when Abeloth utilized the Force. During the New Jedi Order's assault on the Sith at the New Jedi Temple located on the capital planet Coruscant in 44 ABY, Abeloth unleashed several Sith shadow-ghouls against them. Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne, Jedi Knight Tahiri Veila, and the remaining Void Jumpers contingent, commanded by Sergeant Major Gef Olazon, engaged some of these shadow-ghouls en route to eliminating Abeloth within the Jedi Temple Computer Core room. To permanently defeat these continually spawning shadow-ghouls, it was necessary to close the eyes of the host bodies that animated them. As Darth Krayt started to siphon power from Abeloth, the shadow-ghouls' speed and destructive capabilities were significantly diminished.

