In the year 44 ABY, a plan was executed to liberate Natasi Daala, the former Chief of State, from her confinement. Daala's removal from her leadership position within the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances had occurred recently, as a result of a Jedi-instigated rebellion, leading to her incarceration at the Armand Isard Correctional Facility situated on Coruscant, the galactic capital world. Simultaneously, Tahiri Veila, a former Jedi Knight, faced a death sentence after being found guilty of killing Admiral Gilad Pellaeon during the Second Galactic Civil War.
However, Boba Fett, a Mandalorian pursuer of fugitives, was hired by Daala to assist her, and he orchestrated an operation to secure her freedom. He employed a Daala impersonator posing as her legal representative, Otha Tevarkian, to visit Daala and smuggle in an explosive device designed to create a diversion for her escape. The scheme unfolded successfully, and Veila—who was in consultation with her own lawyer, Eramuth Bwua'tu, at the time—managed to have her lawyer take cover just in time to avoid injury. Despite Bwua'tu's subtle warning against attempting to flee, Veila decided to try to escape as well. As Daala forced her way into the visitors' room, Fett arrived—donning fabricated Mandalorian battle dress—with a small air vehicle and initiated an assault on the prison's security measures. As Veila attempted to escape a YVH-series battle droid then began firing on her. She collapsed as her restraints hindered movement, but broke free through intercepting a blaster bolt with the stun cuffs. As the YVH battle droid began directing its fire towards Fett, the bounty hunter launched a projectile from his personal flight apparatus, destroying the combat automaton. Daala and the impostor then jumped on the craft, and, led by Fett, headed for the outer yard. However, Veila threw the impostor off and jumped on behind Daala. As they entered the yard, Fett drew the prison defenses' fire, and they escaped.
Fett then transported Daala to a fake Slave I, which was sent off as a ruse for the Galactic Alliance to pursue. Fett's strategy involved using a decoy spacecraft and imitation protective gear so that, upon reviewing recordings of the breakout, investigators would conclude that someone merely impersonating Fett, rather than Fett himself, had facilitated Daala's escape. When Daala realized that Veila had stowed away with them, the former Jedi separated from Fett and Daala and embarked on a clandestine existence on Coruscant. Fett assured Daala that the impostor had called in and confirmed that he had gotten away, and the reward-motivated operative then took Daala away from the planet, enabling her to pursue retribution against those responsible for her removal from power.