The Confrontation above Exodo II unfolded in 44 ABY within the confines of the Exodo system, a region nestled within the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. This engagement saw a battle fleet from the Imperial Remnant, under the command of Head of State Jagged Fel with assistance from Admiral Vitor Reige, and the clandestine support of Moff Tol Getelles, clash with the warlord forces of the Maw Irregular Fleet and mutinous Moffs, all answering to the leadership of Natasi Daala. The arena for this conflict was the space surrounding the planet Exodo II. Daala, previously the Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance but removed from power by the Jedi Order following a contentious tenure in office, sought to reclaim dominance over the galaxy by seizing control of the Imperial Remnant from Fel. To accomplish this, she coerced several members of the Moff Council, including Drikl Lecersen and Tol Getelles, into backing her power grab.
However, Moff Getelles covertly maintained his allegiance to Fel, informing him of Daala's scheme through clandestine means. Thanks to Getelles' assistance, Fel discovered that Daala's forces had amassed in the Exodo system, poised to initiate a military takeover of the Remnant. Rapidly assembling a fleet of Imperial warships, including an advanced detachment from the Empire of the Hand, Fel directed his forces to ambush and obliterate Daala's rebel faction through a preemptive assault.
Mandalore Boba Fett facilitated Natasi Daala's escape from prison shortly after the Jedi Council forcibly removed her from office. However, by that time, the Jedi had already established a new governing body to ensure a seamless transfer of authority. With the backing of the Senate and the Defense Force, the Jedi formed a Triumvirate, a coalition of three leaders who would collectively manage the executive duties of the Chief of State. With Coruscant firmly under the control of the new government, Daala was left with no choice but to retreat into exile, after which she immediately began strategizing how to regain her lost power.
With the Galactic Alliance holding sway over much of the galaxy, the Imperial Remnant stood as the only significant power capable of challenging the Alliance's military might. Daala, a former officer within the old Galactic Empire, aimed to reassert her authority as the Remnant's new leader. However, to achieve this, she first needed to depose Jagged Fel from his position as Head of State. In addition to reclaiming command of the Maw Irregular Fleet, Daala had to seek support from the Moffs, the Remnant's regional governors whom she had despised for decades since the days of the old Empire. Despite their mutual animosity, the Moffs held little loyalty for Fel, whom they resented as an outsider appointed to lead the Remnant by the former Jedi Coalition.
Fel could only count on the backing of a minority of Moffs; the majority of the Moff Council harbored outright hatred for him. One of the first Moffs to align with Daala's cause was Porrak Vansyn, who had openly voiced his discontent with Fel's leadership and support for Daala's ouster. Through intelligence gathered by Boba Fett, Daala secured the support of several other Moffs, including Drikl Lecersen and Tol Getelles, through blackmail.
However, Daala remained unaware that Getelles was merely pretending to be loyal to her in order to infiltrate the conspiracy. Shortly after being confronted by Fel regarding the illicit experiments conducted under his supervision, Getelles informed Daala that he had shot and killed Fel. In reality, he only stunned the Head of State and then revealed Daala's plot to seize control of the Imperial Remnant. While Fel mobilized his forces to prepare for a preemptive strike against Daala's coup d'état, Getelles deceived Daala into believing that Fel had been assassinated.
Daala fell for Getelles' ruse and gathered her faction of insurrectionists to seize control of Bastion and, consequently, the Imperial Remnant. Upon converging in the Exodo system, Daala's primary force consisted of the warships that comprised the Maw Irregular Fleet, including the Chimaera, a Venator-class Star Destroyer, a Republic-class cruiser, an Acclamator-class assault ship, several frigates, three corvettes of two classes, and twelve squadrons of starfighters. Due to budgetary constraints, none of the fleet's ships were able to maintain their advanced weaponry.
The Maw Irregular Fleet was reinforced by Remnant starships, including an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, an Immobilizer 418 cruiser, nearly three dozen smaller vessels (including frigates, corvettes, an escort cruiser, and a starfighter carrier), and nine squadrons of starfighters under Moff Lecersen's command. Still feigning support for Daala, Getelles contributed his force of four Star Destroyers, a carrier, eight starfighter squadrons, and nearly a dozen combined frigates and corvettes to the insurrectionists' fleet. Moffs Vansyn and Trevin amassed twenty more vessels. The combined main force ultimately numbered nearly twenty Star Destroyers.
While Daala remained unaware of Getelles' true allegiance, Jagged Fel and his loyalist faction assembled a fleet of Remnant warships. The Empire of the Hand, a fellow successor state to the original Galactic Empire, dispatched an advance force of ships to aid Fel in his attempt to retain power. With the support of Admiral Vitor Reige and the protection of Tahiri Veila, a fallen Jedi Knight and former Sith Lady, Fel personally commanded his ships as they converged on Daala's position in the Exodo system.
Caught completely off guard, Daala and her allies were initially unable to mount a sufficient defense to launch an effective counterattack against the Remnant assault. As Fel's forces attacked from the front, Getelles revealed his true loyalties and directed his Star Destroyers to engage the Maw Irregular Fleet. Initially, the battle heavily favored Fel. However, just as Daala was on the verge of complete defeat with the majority of her fleet destroyed, Lecersen's ships managed to obliterate Fel's main command center, the hollowed-out moon Boreleo, including the Gilad Pellaeon hidden within the natural satellite of Exodo II.
The irreparable damage inflicted on the Pellaeon forced Jagged Fel, Tahiri Veila, and Ashik—Fel's Chiss aide—to abandon the doomed flagship. Command of the Remnant fleet was transferred to the Bloodfin once the Head of State was safely aboard. Despite Fel's survival of the Pellaeon's destruction, the Remnant ships became embroiled in an increasingly fierce battle against Daala's forces, with neither side gaining a tactical advantage to secure a decisive victory.