Tol Getelles

Tol Getelles was a male Human Moff who exercised authority over the Antemeridian sector.


At a diplomatic function on Coruscant, Getelles was elevated to the rank of Moff. This event was among the final occasions where Leia Organa was present during the rule of Emperor Palpatine. Soon after becoming Moff, Getelles bypassed other officers and promoted his acquaintance, Larm, to the position of Admiral, entrusting him with the command of the military resources within the Antemeridian sector.

Following the collapse of the Galactic Empire, Getelles continued to be a member of the Imperial Remnant, maintaining his dominion over the sector. However, he lacked the necessary firepower and resolve to initiate a substantial assault on the nearby New Republic bases.

In the year 13 ABY, Seti Ashgad made contact with Getelles, presenting him with a chance to seize control of the Meridian sector. The Loronar Corporation would furnish weapons to insurgent factions throughout the Meridian sector, aiming to incite uprisings that would fragment the New Republic's forces in that region. Simultaneously, Ashgad intended to unleash a plague, which he guaranteed would exclusively target New Republic personnel. These combined actions were intended to sufficiently weaken the New Republic's military strength, enabling Admiral Larm's forces to assume control of the sector.

The agreement stipulated that Loronar Corporation would be permitted to extract Spook crystals from Nam Chorios within the Meridian sector, for utilization as CCIR control crystals in synthdroids and Needle fighters. Ashgad would receive a portion of the earnings, while Getelles would gain access to the Needles.

Getelles' ambition for increased authority was thwarted when both Ashgad and Larm met their demise due to the involvement of Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa Solo, and Han Solo. Larm's naval forces, under attack from both Republic forces and those commanded by Admiral Daala, retreated towards the Antemeridian sector, and the New Republic successfully contained the spread of the plague.

With the Antemeridian sector in a vulnerable state following Larm's defeat at Nam Chorios, the New Republic capitalized on their advantage by deploying two fleets into the sector. Getelles found himself unable to impede their progress, and the Antemeridian sector, along with a significant expanse of adjacent territory, was captured by the New Republic before Admiral Pellaeon brought their advance to a halt.

However, after the conclusion of the Second Galactic Civil War, Getelles remained in his position as the Moff of the Antemeridian sector, which was now integrated into the Imperial Remnant. Three years after the war's end, Getelles stood out as one of the few Moffs who voiced support for the Jedi coup that ousted Daala, the increasingly radical Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, from her position of power.

Getelles had also initiated experiments on Squibs using drochs with the goal of discovering a means to regain his youth. The Squibs could rejuvenate themselves by consuming drochs and the life essence they contained. Unbeknownst to Getelles, the Squibs were acting as spies for Jagged Fel, the Head of State of the Imperial Remnant. Admiral Daala also contacted Getelles, seeking to gather followers among the Moffs, as well as her Maw Irregular Fleet, to seize control of the Remnant and exact revenge on those within the Galactic Alliance who had removed her from power. Anxious to prevent Daala from taking control of the Remnant, he staged Jagged Fel's assassination during a meeting on Fel's ship after Fel revealed his knowledge of Getelles' droch experiments on the Squibs. Although he informed Daala that he had killed Fel, he had merely stunned him before revealing Daala's scheme to him.

Getelles mobilized his forces and aligned himself with Daala and the other rebellious Moffs in the Exodo system. Fel then arrived with forces loyal to him and a fleet of ships from the Empire of the Hand and engaged Daala and the Moffs alongside Getelles' forces.

