
Larm held the rank of admiral within the Imperial Navy, overseeing military operations in the Antemeridian sector under the authority of Moff Getelles. Known for his unwavering adherence to regulations and his obsequious behavior, Larm adeptly cultivated favor with Moffs while maintaining the facade of a formidable warrior.

Subsequent to his own appointment as Moff of the Antemeridian Sector, Getelles elevated Larm to the position of admiral, bypassing several more senior officers in the process. Larm was perceived as a model of rigid efficiency, providing a stark contrast to Getelles's more lenient leadership approach.


In the year 13 ABY, Seti Ashgad made contact with Getelles, presenting him with an opportunity to seize control of the Meridian sector. The plan involved Loronar Corporation providing weaponry to dissenting factions throughout the Meridian sector, instigating rebellions to fragment the New Republic's military presence in the region. Simultaneously, Ashgad would unleash a plague, purportedly targeting only New Republic personnel. These combined actions were intended to sufficiently weaken New Republic forces, paving the way for Admiral Larm's fleet to conquer the sector.

A key component of the agreement stipulated that Loronar Corporation would be granted permission to extract Spook crystals from Nam Chorios within the Meridian sector. These crystals were to be utilized as CCIR control crystals in synthdroids and CCIR Needles. Ashgad was slated to receive a portion of the profits, while Getelles would gain access to the Needles themselves.

Upon arriving at Nam Chorios to meet with Ashgad, Larm's fleet encountered a small New Republic force led by Han Solo, sparking a battle. Initially, the Imperials held the upper hand, but Luke Skywalker intervened, employing the Force to influence the sentient control crystals within Larm's Needles, causing them to turn against the Imperial forces. Ashgad's vessel, the Reliant, was destroyed along with Larm's Carrack-class light cruiser, which was docked with it at the time. With their commanding officer deceased, the remaining elements of Larm's fleet retreated back to the Antemeridian sector.

