The clash known as the Battle of Nam Chorios unfolded on Nam Chorios during 13 ABY.
Leading up to the conflict, Seti Ashgad—representing the Newcomer colonists residing on the planet—had forged an alliance with Moff Getelles from the Antemeridian sector and the Loronar Corporation. Getelles and Ashgad conspired to unleash the destructive potential of the Death Seed upon the Meridian Sector.

The plan involved Getelles's navy invading, equipped with automated CCIR Needles provided by the Loronar Corporation. The CEO of the corporation further pledged to arm various rebel factions across the plague-ridden Sector in exchange for mining rights to Nam Chorios's precious crystals. The success of this scheme would enrich Ashgad, elevate Getelles to Imperial hero status, and result in the tragic deaths of millions due to the Death Seed's effects.
The native and dominant inhabitants of Nam Chorios were the Tsils—unique, intelligent beings with silicon-based physiology. Consequently, the Loronar Corporation targeted them as programmable matrices for piloting Synthdroids and CCIR Needles. However, the Oldtimers, descendants of convicts exiled to the planet by the Grissmath Dynasty, stood in their way. The Oldtimers enforced a ban on all technology on Nam Chorios to prevent the Drochs (carriers of the Death Seed) from escaping the planet and spreading the deadly disease.
However, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo intervened, disrupting their schemes. Prior to the battle, Ashgad orchestrated the destruction of the planetary cannon Bleak Point Station—controlled by the Oldtimers—to ensure a safe passage into space for Getelles's orbiting fleet. This allowed Ashgad to flee into space. Luke pursued him in his starfighter, but it was shot down by enemy fire. Nevertheless, Skywalker successfully convinced the Chorian crystal mind of the danger Ashgad posed to the galaxy if his plans were realized. As a result, as Ashgad's ship prepared to dock with an Imperial Star Destroyer, several Needle fighters rebelled and attacked his vessel, ending Ashgad's life, though Getelles remained a threat.
Subsequently, a New Republic fleet, led by Lando Calrissian and Han Solo, arrived and engaged Getelles's fleet. Their initial mission was to locate Leia Organa Solo, and they had discovered entire worlds within the Meridian Sector ravaged by the disease. The ensuing battle pitted the New Republic's aging warships against formidable Imperial Star Destroyers. The battle's momentum shifted with the arrival of former Imperial Admiral Daala. Daala had abandoned the Newcomers upon uncovering Getelles's ambition-fueled plot. She was enraged and disgusted that supposedly loyal Imperials would align themselves with figures like Ashgad and Dzym. Her fleet of warships played a vital role in defeating Getelles's fleet, which she allowed to escape in favor of the New Republic.
In the aftermath, Skywalker successfully negotiated with the Chorian crystal mind, securing an agreement to send hundreds of tsils off-world to eradicate every droch in the sector, in exchange for the return of every tsil forcibly installed in a Loronar synthdroid or Needle fighter. The New Republic penalized the Loronar Corporation by compelling it to comply with the agreement and terminating a government contract for future shipments of Strike-class cruisers.
Later, General Solo's fleet conducted mop-up operations on Nam Chorios.
Following the Battle of Nam Chorios, the New Republic launched a retaliatory attack on Moff Getelles's Antemeridian sector, deploying two full fleets. Imperial forces were unable to resist, and the sector, along with a significant portion of adjacent space, fell under New Republic control.