Descendants of convicts banished to a penal colony on Nam Chorios in 702 BBY were known as the Oldtimers.
Back in 702 BBY, the Grissmath Dynasty established a penal colony situated on Nam Chorios. The Grissmaths unleashed drochs onto the planet with the intention of eliminating the prisoners, but their attempt proved unsuccessful. In time, the prisoners' descendants evolved into a resilient and autonomous community of settlers, recognized as the 'Oldtimers'. Centuries down the line, Beldorion, a Hutt Jedi who had failed, arrived on Nam Chorios and proclaimed himself as a dictator. The reaction to his self-imposed rule remains unknown. In 19 BBY, Republic Senator Seti Ashgad was banished to Nam Chorios by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, and he stepped into the power vacuum created by Beldorian's inability to maintain control over the populace.
In 13 ABY, the Oldtimers found themselves in conflict with a more recent group of settlers known as the Newcomers. Moff Getelles, affiliated with the Loronar Corporation and allied with Ashgad, had forged an agreement with Ashgad, who had been sustained through odd means, to obliterate the Meridian sector using the Death Seed plague. The planet's indigenous Tsils were targeted by Loronar for utilization in their synthdroids and CCIR Needles. However, the Oldtimers intervened, forbidding any form of technology on Nam Chorios to prevent the plague-carrying drochs from leaving the planet and spreading the disease.
Regrettably, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo thwarted their efforts. Prior to the Battle of Nam Chorios, Seti Ashgad orchestrated the destruction of the planetary turbolaser gun station at Bleak Point, controlled by the Oldtimers, to facilitate safe passage into space for Getelles' orbiting fleet. Although Ashgad was killed by rebelling fighters, Getelles remained alive, initiating the battle. The Oldtimers aligned themselves with the New Republic, while the Newcomers sided with Getelles. Ultimately, the Oldtimers emerged as the victors.