Around four centuries prior to the rise of the Galactic Empire, there existed a Force-sensitive Hutt Dark Jedi named Beldorion. He began his journey as a Jedi Knight within the ranks of the Jedi Order, serving the Galactic Republic. His path took a dark turn after being dispatched to Nam Chorios, where he succumbed to the dark side. Abandoning his Jedi vows, he seized control of the planet. His life came to an end in 13 ABY during a lightsaber confrontation with Leia Organa Solo.
Before 400 BBY, the Jedi Order discovered Beldorion, and records show he was the only Hutt ever to be a member of the Order. He underwent training at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant. As part of his training, he and other Jedi Initiates journeyed to the Caves of Masposhani for races, and to dark planets such as Af'El and Y'nybeth to refine their Force sense. Beldorion graduated from the academy and was chosen by a Jedi Master to become their Padawan. After years of dedicated study and travel, Beldorion successfully completed his Trials of Knighthood and was elevated to the esteemed position of Jedi Knight. Taking on assignments from the Jedi High Council, Beldorion, along with fellow Knight Taselda, was sent to Nam Chorios in 400 BBY.
While stationed on the planet, the two Jedi Knights failed in their designated task, succumbing to the allure of the dark side of the Force and consequently defecting from the Order. Beldorion dismissed Taselda, considering her the weaker of the two, and proclaimed himself the supreme leader of the world. He demanded his subjects address him with grandiose titles such as "Beldorion of the Ruby Eyes" and "Beldorion the Splendid," ruling with corruption and enslaving many. Initially intended as Beldorion's food, the Droch named Dzym instead formed a pact with the Hutt. Dzym aided the Dark Jedi in maintaining his strength and youth in exchange for access to the planet's valuable Tsil stones.

Since he had long since abandoned the Jedi Order, Beldorion was never pursued during the Great Jedi Purge. His unchallenged reign was finally interrupted in 13 ABY with the arrival of the Jedi Callista Ming. Although she was unsuccessful in confronting the Hutt and was imprisoned, her disappearance prompted the intervention of other Jedi: Luke Skywalker, the founder of the New Jedi Order, and his sister, Leia Organa. Similar to Ming, Organa was also captured by the Hutt, who shared tales of the past, recounting the histories of Jedi Masters Thon and Yoda. During her confinement, Organa managed to retrieve her lightsaber and engaged her captor in combat. Despite the Dark Jedi's immense power accumulated over centuries, Organa's greater mobility allowed her to bisect the Hutt at the waist.
Beldorion possessed some skill in the Force, but by the time Leia Organa Solo encountered him in 13 ABY, his power had significantly diminished due to centuries of Dzym draining his energy. Nevertheless, he still retained the ability to generate powerful Force storms. Furthermore, he could utilize Telekinesis to summon a glass, although he failed when attempting the same with a tray. When angered by his servant, Liegeus Vorn, he would occasionally use the Force to inflict painful migraines as a form of punishment. Beldorion had some proficiency in Force persuasion, and some considered his gaze hypnotic. However, he was unable to use this power to influence Leia Organa Solo, who had minimal Force training and was under the influence of drugs at the time.
Unlike most Hutts, Beldorion used the Force to maintain a muscular physique, allowing him to retain his lightsaber skills after living for centuries. Wielding a purple-bladed lightsaber, Beldorion would alter the direction of his lightsaber strikes during combat, displaying some characteristics of the seventh form of lightsaber combat. Furthermore, his great physical strength allowed him to swing his blade with tremendous force, almost enough to break a Human's wrists. However, his lightsaber skills were insufficient to defeat Leia Organa Solo, who killed him at the end of their brief duel.