Dzym, originating from Nam Chorios, was a Droch of the male gender, whose genetic makeup had been altered. He was cultivated from his original diminutive insectoid state to achieve a humanoid form and stature. Working in secret with Seti Ashgad, he came close to launching an invasion of the New Republic alongside other drochs, but Luke Skywalker, with the help of the Tsil and the Jedi, thwarted his plans.
Beldorion, a Hutt, had his cook genetically modify Dzym, a droch, intending him as a culinary delicacy. However, Dzym achieved sentient status and eliminated the cook. Collaborating with Seti Ashgad, he devised a scheme to transport drochs from Nam Chorios, aiming to wreak havoc across the galaxy and secure an endless supply of sustenance for himself. The local inhabitants, swayed by Luke Skywalker, brought about his death while he was trying to escape the planet. Dzym's age at the time of his demise was two hundred and fifty years.
Although he appeared as a thin humanoid, he exhibited distinctly alien features when not concealed by his robe. His torso and the tips of his fingers were adorned with sharp, tooth-filled openings. Possessing the same life-draining capability as other droch beetles, he once consumed a larger, crab-like droch, describing its taste as "sweet."