Vorn, Liegeus Sarpaetius, a Human male hailing from a prosperous family, ultimately chose a path that led him to become a creator of fraudulent holograms. He entered into a partnership with Seti Ashgad. His involvement later extended to aiding [Leia Organa Solo](/article/leia_organa_solo/legends], who had been kidnapped, in her escape from Ashgad. Subsequently, he himself was rescued from Ashgad's grasp by Luke Skywalker.
As the family's outcast, Vorn became a holo faker, a profession where he appropriated the concepts of others, presenting them as his own original work. His talent was considerable, allowing him to assemble remarkably convincing holovids utilizing a personal database of holograms. This database was comprehensive, containing recordings of numerous backgrounds, faces, creatures, furnishings, sounds, and movements. During one period, Vorn resided on Gamorr, working as a ghostwriter, crafting romantic poems for Gamorrean men to employ during courtship.
Early in his career, Vorn engaged in a romantic relationship with Natasi Daala while she was young. This relationship concluded when Daala received a transfer to the Maw Installation, although they would encounter each other again years after the Battle of Endor.
Eventually, Vorn became involved with Seti Ashgad and the droch Dzym on Nam Chorios. Following the abduction of Leia Organa Solo by Ashgad, Vorn used his holographic skills to dispel any suspicion, creating the impression that all was well to the rest of the galaxy. During this period, Vorn impersonated Ashgad's personal pilot. Furthermore, Vorn programmed the central computer system of Dzym's flagship, the Reliant. While in the employ of Seti Ashgad, Vorn was compelled by Beldorion to edit the Hutt's collection of Huttese pornography.
Vorn developed a friendship with Leia, providing her with unadulterated water instead of the drugged water provided by Ashgad, and ultimately facilitated her escape. Dzym and Ashgad were displeased and punished him. Luke Skywalker later rescued Vorn, bringing him to a Newcomer settlement.
Upon Admiral Daala's arrival on the planet, accompanied by New Republic personnel, Vorn was reunited with his former lover. He and Daala departed for Pedducis Chorios. They spent time at her residence before leaving for the Deep Core, where Daala intended to rebuild Imperial forces. The two married, and had a son.
In 35 ABY, Vorn met his end, killed by a thermal detonator as part of a plot orchestrated by the Moff Council to assassinate Daala.