Poetry of the Gamorreans was composed in the Gamorrese tongue by and for the Gamorrean race. During the winter season, Gamorrean males would create poems for their spouses, or for females they wished to woo. Some Gamorreans employed professional writers to craft their poems, for example Liegeus Vorn and Sebastin Onyx.

A form of poetic expression, Gamorrean poetry was authored either by or for individuals of the Gamorrean species, making use of the Gamorrese language. It had the potential to be inscribed using runes. On their homeworld, Gamorr, during the winter months, Gamorrean males, referred to as boars, composed affectionate poems intended for their wives, known as sows. Furthermore, poetry served as a tool for courtship during this period. Certain Gamorreans opted to enlist the services of ghost-writers, presenting the resulting poems as their own creation.
Within the Hutt Space region, at the Mirrsteel Heights towers located on the Kwenn Space Station, several Hutt-esque chuba bars regularly featured nightly recitations of Gamorrean poetry. At one point, the Human Liegeus Vorn spent a period on Gamorr, earning a living as a ghost-writer for boars during their mating season. Sebastin Onyx, also a Human, supported himself by writing poems for the largely uneducated boars, including Guth, who desired love poems for Kufbrug, a married Clan Matron.

In the year 13 ABY, Rog, the son-in-law of Kufbrug, acquired a poem inscribed in Gamorrean runes on parchment from Onyx, falsely claiming it was for Guth. The poem was actually intended for Vrokk, Kufbrug's husband, who met his end due to a kheilwar wasp concealed within the parchment, thus implicating Guth in the crime. Callista Ming, a former Jedi and shipmate of Guth, launched an investigation, learning about Gamorrean love poetry from Onyx in the process.
By that year, Vorn found himself on the world of Nam Chorios, working as an editor for the Hutt Beldorion's collection of pornography. Upon meeting Leia Organa Solo, the Chief of State of the New Republic, Vorn commented that his prior occupation as a ghost-writer of Gamorrean poetry on Gamorr was less daunting than his current role. This remark elicited laughter from Organa Solo.
The concept of Gamorrean poetry was initially introduced in the 1997 novel titled Planet of Twilight, authored by Barbara Hambly. It was later referenced in the 2015 sourcebook Lords of Nal Hutta, a companion to Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG.