C-3PO provides translations for the Gamorrese language as spoken by Xob.
The language known as Gamorrese, also called the Gamorrean language, served as the mother tongue for the Gamorrean species, who made their homes on Gamorr, their homeworld, and also in colonies such as Pzob.
The Gamorrese language was composed of a limited set of words, mainly nouns and verbs, along with a small number of adjectives, and its sentence structure was quite basic. It seems Gamorrean lacked grammatical inflections; however, the importance of word order in conveying meaning within sentences was uncertain.
It was common for Gamorreans to use Gamorrean words as their personal names, with the meaning of these names often carrying a threatening connotation. A Gamorrean might attempt to frighten others by stating "I am Ortugg," or "I'm going to Ortugg you".
Although Gamorrese lacked a fully developed writing system, a rudimentary runic alphabet existed for purposes like record-keeping, accounting, and tracking family history. Typically, only educated sows used this runic alphabet, though a considerable number of boars possessed the ability to decipher them slowly. It's known that the runic alphabet had several variations. Due to the fact that most Gamorreans encountered in the galaxy were males, it was widely believed that the Gamorreans lacked any form of written communication.
The Gamorrese language did not contain a specific word for "calculus." The nearest equivalent phrase translated to "big nasty math".
A dialect within Gamorrese was known as Vregg.
N2-3PO, the blue and gold protocol droid, frequently laced her speech with curses in Gamorrese.
Both Journalist Kandra Nilitz and Myri Antilles possessed the ability to comprehend Gamorrese.

- arg'garok - A Gamorrean axe
- dinn - An adjective meaning ("inclined to drool excessively")
- gnorn ("Cowardice" - the closest term to "Cunning" and "knowledge")
- gweek - An adjective meaning ("strong")
- muh - ("Outlander", someone not originally from Gamorr )
- m'uhk'gfa - Gamorrean armor used in battle
- oink - An extremely offensive insult with the potential to cause a war
- scabwit - A derogatory term
- thogk - A traditional Gamorrean club ("log with a spike in it")
- urrjsh or urrsh - A command meaning ("stop")
- v'lch - ("unmarried sow") - often used in a disrespectful manner
- gurk - big nasty math
The Gamorrese language was initially heard, though not identified by name, in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. It was later given written form in X-Wing: The Krytos Trap. The Ultimate Alien Anthology sourcebook, released in 2003, claimed that the language lacked a written component, which contradicted the short story "Murder in Slushtime," from 1997, which showed Gamorrean runes.