Kandra Nilitz

Kandra Nilitz, a yellow-skinned journalist of the humanoid female persuasion, found herself at the Galactic Senate Rotunda covering [Plan Delta] (/article/plan_delta) for Landing Zone NewsNet. Her colleague was the camera expert Beurth Ogh. Before this assignment, she gained notoriety through an exposé on the illegal trade of counterfeit bacta. Subsequently, the insane Jedi Knights Jysella and Valin Horn propositioned her with an exclusive story if she could help them escape Coruscant. However, upon their arrival on Nam Chorios, the Horns deserted both her and Beurth.

Later, Kandra secured an interview with Snaplaunce, the mayor of Hweg Shul. During the interview, Snaplaunce disclosed that the Skywalkers were not responsible for his stabbing, as they had already departed in his vessel, Vote Snaplaunce. Following this revelation, she contacted Luke Skywalker, offering a rendezvous in exchange for transportation. Upon the arrival of the Skywalkers and Vestara Khai, a trio of Sith ambushed them, but the Jedi and Vestara successfully repelled the attack. As payment for passage to Crystal Valley, Luke shared information with Kandra regarding Abeloth and the Lost Tribe of Sith.

