Ortugg, a Gamorrean belonging to the Groogrun clan, held the rank of captain and commanded the nine Gamorrean guards stationed at Jabba's Palace.

Known for his skill with an axe, he maintained a strong working relationship with another Gamorrean, Rogua. Ortugg displayed unwavering loyalty to Jabba, contingent upon receiving a consistent supply of food. Tasked with monitoring Tessek, Jabba's accountant, due to the crime lord's growing distrust, he once disrupted Dannik Jerriko as he attempted to consume Yarna d'al' Gargan's soup.
During the initial phase of Han Solo's rescue, he and Rogua were present when R2-D2 and C-3PO entered the palace. Later, they were both Force choked by Luke Skywalker while trying to prevent his entry. He joined the other guards in mocking Jubnuk as the rancor devoured him after he fell into the pit alongside Skywalker. His life came to an end shortly thereafter when Skywalker and his allies destroyed Jabba's sail barge, the Khetanna.
Venorra shared clan affiliation with Ortugg.

According to the Rebellion Era Sourcebook, Ortugg remained at the palace after Jabba's demise at the sarlacc pit, continuing to guard the location and repel intruders, awaiting his master's return. This account clashes with other sources, although it is possible that some Gamorreans maintained a presence at the palace even after Jabba's death.