The Antemeridian sector invasion transpired in 13 ABY amidst the less intense period of the Galactic Civil War. Imperial Moff Tol Getelles maintained his dominion over the Antemeridian sector, located within the Borderland Regions, eight years following the Battle of Endor. With backing from the Loronar Corporation and ex-Senator Seti Ashgad, Getelles attempted to seize control of the adjacent Meridian sector through the deployment of the Death Seed plague. Nevertheless, the Heroes of Yavin, aided by Natasi Daala, thwarted his plans during the Battle of Nam Chorios. In response, the New Republic launched an offensive against the Antemeridian sector, deploying two complete fleets. Getelles's Imperial forces proved unable to repel the assault, resulting in the sector's capture, along with a significant portion of the surrounding territory, by the New Republic. Simultaneously, Admiral Pellaeon of the Imperial Remnant was engaged in a campaign against Adumar. As the New Republic advanced through the Borderland Regions toward the Imperial Space border, the Council of Moffs instructed Pellaeon to redeploy his forces and confront the New Republic. Despite his eventual defeat, Admiral Pellaeon successfully halted the New Republic's progression.