Luewet Wuul, affectionately called Luew by those close to him, was a male Sullustan who held the esteemed position of Senator within the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. He also presided as chairman over the subcommittee on mineral taxation.
In the year 44 ABY, Wuul received information from General Merratt Jaxton of the Galactic Alliance Starfighter Command. This information revealed that Admiral Nek Bwua'tu, the Chief of the Navy, had struck an agreement with the interim Jedi Grand Master Kenth Hamner. The deal involved Bwua'tu preventing the military's use against the Jedi Temple, in exchange for the Jedi halting the deployment of a StealthXs wing.
Subsequently, Lando Calrissian, a friend of Wuul, requested a favor from him to settle a debt of 25 credits incurred during a sabacc game. This favor involved arranging a meeting between Wuul, Jedi Knight Jaina Solo, and Solo's parents, Han and Leia Solo. During this meeting, the Solos disclosed to Wuul the Jedi's discovery of a new group of Sith within the galaxy, who were preparing a war fleet. Wuul questioned their expectations of him, asserting that he lacked sufficient influence over the Chief of State, Natasi Daala, to prevent her from hindering Jedi actions and to persuade her to grant the Jedi the necessary freedom to address the Sith threat.
However, Wuul soon realized that the Solos' intention was for him to pass legislation that would solidify the Jedi Order's current position, ensuring their military and financial support from the Galactic Alliance. They then discussed strategies to overcome Daala's potential veto. Wuul brought up the recent assassination attempt on Bwua'tu and expressed surprise that the Jedi had not threatened to leave Coruscant, considering their support within the Hapes Consortium and the Imperial Remnant. When Leia Solo inquired about the relevance of the attack on Bwua'tu, he explained that Bwua'tu's aide-de-camp, Rynog Asokaji, had destabilized Daala by blaming her for the attack as retaliation for Bwua'tu's agreement with Hamner.
This revelation caught the Solos off guard, as Hamner had kept the deal secret, leaving the rest of the Jedi Order, including the Solos, in the dark. The Solos were angered by Hamner's independent action but suggested that Wuul proceed with the bill regardless. Nevertheless, Wuul sought assurance that enacting the bill would not endanger the lives of Galactic Alliance citizens. Upon receiving confirmation, he also requested a distraction to keep Daala occupied while he worked to pass the bill, suggesting that the integration of the Imperial Remnant be slowed. He advised that Jaina Solo should persuade the Imperial Head of State, Jagged Fel, to create minor obstacles to impede the Empire's integration, at least until the bill was approved.
Later, around 45 ABY, Wuul received a visit from Grand Master Luke Skywalker. Luke shared his suspicions regarding the heads of GET, the Columi Qreph brothers, Marvid and Craitheus. Wuul informed Luke that the Qrephs were planning a hostile corporate takeover of almost every industry in the galaxy, aiming to dominate the entire galactic economy, with their criminal activities being an open secret. After Luke departed for the Chiloon Rift, Wuul was subsequently killed as a result of the Qrephs' machinations. The Qrephs employed Vestara Khai, whom they believed to be Savara Raine, to assassinate the senator.