Attempted assassination of Admiral Nek Bwua'tu

The event known as the attempted assassination of Admiral Nek Bwua'tu transpired in 44 ABY on the planet Coruscant. Admiral Nek Bwua'tu of the Galactic Alliance was the target of an attack by two assassins. These assassins were dispatched by General Merratt Jaxton and feigned being psychotic Jedi. During the confrontation that followed, he succeeded in eliminating one of the attackers, but he suffered the loss of an arm and narrowly avoided death. Subsequently, he was discovered and admitted to a hospital, where he remained in a coma.


In the year 44 ABY, Senators Haydnat Treen and Fost Bramsin entered into a plot with General Merratt Jaxton with the intention of deposing Natasi Daala, the Galactic Alliance Chief of State, and seizing control of the galaxy. After they had placed Senator Sallinor Parova, another member of the conspiracy, under the command structure of Alliance Admiral Nek Bwua'tu, the conspirators came to the determination that eliminating Bwua'tu would be a good way to consolidate their power within the government.

Following an evening spent at Daala's personal residence, Bwua'tu made the decision to depart at 3:14 AM with the intention of speaking to Kenth Hamner, the acting Jedi Grand Master. However, as he traversed a transparisteel walkway on Coruscant, he was ambushed by a pair of assassins who pretended to be psychotic Jedi, asserting that Bwua'tu was an imposter impersonating the "real" Nek Bwua'tu. One of the Jedi activated a green-bladed lightsaber, prompting Bwua'tu to quickly draw a blaster and open fire on his attackers, even as he activated an emergency signal in his vest pocket and dove over the walkway's railing.

The Jedi managed to deflect the blaster bolts and pursued him with a jump, but Bwua'tu was able to evade the Jedi's initial strike. He retaliated with a kick, striking the Jedi behind the knee and causing the attacker's knee to buckle. Raising his blaster to fire, the Jedi sliced off his arm and prepared another lightsaber strike. Bwua'tu reacted by swinging his remaining arm to deflect the blow, sending the lightsaber skittering across the walkway floor. The Jedi lunged for the weapon, but Bwua'tu swiftly seized him in a chokehold and bit the man's shoulder.

Despite this, the attacker managed to retrieve the lightsaber and struck Bwua'tu over his shoulder, hitting his back with the blade. Bwua'tu released his hold and pinned down the man's lightsaber arm, causing him to drop the weapon, but the man punched him in the head and quickly broke free. It was then that Bwua'tu realized that the fact that he had been able to survive this long meant that his attackers were not actually psychotic Jedi, but people pretending to be insane Jedi. Bwua'tu quickly grabbed his lost arm and fired the blaster in it at the attacker's face, killing him. However, the man fell on top of him, his lightsaber striking Bwua'tu's belly, and the Admiral spasmed and lost consciousness.


Bwua'tu was located and taken to a hospital, but he remained in a coma. His damaged organs had been repaired and replaced by a 2-1 BXS combat-trauma surgical droid, and Daala requested that he receive a prosthetic arm. Despite the lightsaber wounds, Daala was unconvinced that Jedi were responsible for the attack, reasoning that they would not have failed. Although he remained unconscious, his brain activity showed a response when an image of journalist Madhi Vaandt was displayed on the news, leading Daala to suspect Vaandt's involvement in the attack.

Even though Bwua'tu survived, the conspirators regarded the attack as a success, as it led to Parova's promotion to acting Chief of Naval Operations in Bwua'tu's place.

