Fost Bramsin was a Galactic Alliance Senator, a male Human, who served as the representative for Coruscant in the period after the Second Galactic Civil War. Bramsin, in the year 43.5 ABY, engaged in a plot to overthrow Chief of State Natasi Daala, working alongside Kuati Senator Haydnat Treen, Imperial Remnant Moff Drikl Lecersen, and General Merratt Jaxton from Galactic Alliance Starfighter Command. He also played a game of chambers with Treen, Jaxton, and Lecersen during this time. In 44 ABY, he was among the hundred politicians from Coruscant who took part in the Tendrando Arms Celebrity Sabacc Charity Challenge organized by Booster Terrik. As the conspiracy began to fall apart, Bramsin was killed by Treen, his former friend, who feared that he might accidentally divulge key secrets of the conspiracy.