Tendrando Arms Celebrity Sabacc Charity Challenge

The Tendrando Arms Celebrity Sabacc Charity Challenge, an event held in 44 ABY, was orchestrated by Booster Terrik aboard his ship, the Errant Venture. Lando Calrissian distributed invitations to 100 influential politicians from Coruscant, all as part of a scheme to facilitate the safe launch of the Jedi's StealthXs. Once the politicians were on the Errant Venture, Terrik neutralized their security teams using coma gas. He then initiated an attack on orbital mirrors above Coruscant to divert the attention of the Galactic Alliance Sixth Fleet—the fleet couldn't retaliate with the politicians as hostages, and this distraction enabled the StealthXs to launch without interference. As the Errant Venture journeyed to Pydyr alongside the StealthXs, the tournament progressed. There, the starfighters aided Luke and Ben Skywalker in repelling the Sith. By this point, the tournament had reached its final table, with Chief of Staff Wynn Dorvan considered the frontrunner.


Around 43.5 ABY, several Jedi began experiencing a Force psychosis, which led to strained relations between the New Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance government. Concurrently, exiled Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his son, Ben, encountered a previously unknown Sith Tribe. The Jedi Order desired to dispatch a squadron of StealthXs to assist the Skywalkers, but their plans were initially thwarted by a Mandalorian raid on the Jedi Temple, and subsequently by a siege of the Temple.

Following the lifting of the siege in 44 ABY, the Jedi Council was eager to launch the StealthXs without delay. However, interim Grand Master Kenth Hamner advocated for a delay, having secretly agreed with Alliance Admiral Nek Bwua'tu to postpone the launch until Bwua'tu gave his approval. This was intended to secure the cooperation of the Alliance Navy with the Jedi strike team. Unfortunately, an assassination attempt left Bwua'tu incapacitated in a coma, rendering him unable to assist. Upon discovering Hamner's actions, the Council was outraged and relieved him of his position, resolving to proceed with the StealthX launch.

In the meantime, Lando Calrissian and Jaina Solo had returned to Coruscant with intelligence regarding the Sith Tribe's construction of a war fleet. Consequently, the Jedi determined that an immediate launch of the StealthXs was necessary. They recognized that, with the Galactic Alliance Sixth Fleet in orbit, a diversion would be required to ensure a safe launch. Calrissian then distributed invitations to the inaugural Tendrando Arms Celebrity Sabacc Charity Challenge, a sabacc tournament hosted for one hundred of Coruscant's most influential politicians, including Senators Fost Bramsin and Haydnat Treen, General Merratt Jaxton, and Moff Drikl Lecersen. The tournament entry fee was 1,000,000 credits, with a top prize of 50,000,000 credits.

The tournament

Booster Terrik, the tournament's host

The Jedi collaborated closely with Booster Terrik, who consented to host the tournament aboard his Star Destroyer, the Errant Venture. Treen was delayed in arriving, but Galactic Alliance Chief of Staff Wynn Dorvan expressed interest upon learning about the tournament. Given the time constraints, Terrik allowed him to take Treen's place. As the Jedi prepared to launch their StealthX squadron, Terrik ensured that the politicians' security details were incapacitated by coma gas, and the Errant Venture initiated an assault on some of Coruscant's Orbital Mirrors. The Galactic Alliance was unable to retaliate with so many prominent government figures aboard the vessel. Terrik suggested that Dorvan, still present on the bridge, transmit a message to Chief of State Natasi Daala, explaining the situation. He initially hesitated, asserting that she did not negotiate with hostage-takers, but ultimately complied. Despite Hamner's attempt to interfere, the StealthXs successfully launched and, thanks to the sabacc tournament, departed Coruscant safely alongside the Errant Venture.

Although Dorvan joined the table ten minutes late, he performed well in the tournament. As the Errant Venture traveled with the StealthXs to rendezvous with the Skywalkers on the moon Pydyr, the three-day tournament progressed to its final table. By the time they reached Pydyr, Dorvan was favored to win the tournament, and he ultimately did. The strike team also arrived in time to assist in the rescue of the Skywalkers from the Sith.

