Darish Vol

Darish Vol was a Human male Force-sensitive individual born on the isolated planet of Kesh. He held the esteemed position of Grand Lord within the Lost Tribe of Sith, representing the Tribe's highest rank. As Grand Lord, he presided over the Circle of Lords, the Tribe's governing body. In the year 41 ABY, upon the arrival of Ship, a Sith Meditation Sphere, on Kesh, and its subsequent communication through the Force with Sith Tyro Vestara Khai, Vol concurred with the council's determination to elevate Khai to the role of apprentice. Subsequently, the Tribe initiated the utilization of Ship for the purpose of seizing vessels to form their new fleet, with the ultimate goal of conquering the galaxy. Vol's presence was noted on Kesh in 43.5 ABY, specifically when Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker came into contact with an Aing-Tii relic known as the Codex, thereby making the Tribe aware of his existence. In 44 ABY, Vol sanctioned an alliance with Abeloth, a dark side entity, and spearheaded the celebratory events surrounding her arrival in Tahv, the capital city.

Abeloth proved treacherous to the Sith, initiating an attack that targeted Vol first, followed by the city itself, before she absconded from the planet. Vol managed to survive, but the destruction she wrought upon Tahv resulted in the deaths of thousands, and a number of Sith chose to join Abeloth's cause, defecting from the Tribe. Meanwhile, under the direction of High Lord Ivaar Workan, several Sith undertook efforts to infiltrate the Galactic Alliance. Following the Jedi Order's departure from the planet, intended to establish their independence from the government, Vol resolved to personally travel to the galactic capital. Workan informed Vol that the only remaining impediment to the Sith's ascent to power was Senator Rokari Kem, who, unbeknownst to the Sith, was actually Abeloth in disguise. Consequently, Vol set out to assassinate her; however, she instead overpowered and killed Vol.


A new age

Darish Vol was a Force-sensitive Human male hailing from the planet Kesh, located in Wild Space. He was born prior to 36 BBY and underwent training in the ways of the dark side of the Force with the Lost Tribe of Sith, who were the descendants of Sith survivors from the crash of their starship, the Omen, on Kesh during the Great Hyperspace War in 5000 BBY. Vol mastered the Sith ways and ascended to a position of influence within the Tribe. Enduring at least eighty years of political maneuvering and surviving assassination attempts, he ultimately became the Tribe's leader, the Grand Lord. In his capacity as Grand Lord, he presided over the Circle of Lords, the Tribe's governing council, within the Circle Chambers, located in the capital city of Tahv.

In 41 ABY, Ship, a Sith Meditation Sphere, arrived on Kesh and communicated with Vestara Khai, a young Sith Tyro, through the Force. The Circle of Lords, influenced by Ship's interest in her, decided to formally accept Khai as an apprentice. While Vol considered this an unconventional method for selecting an apprentice, he approved it, acknowledging the Sith Meditation Sphere's purpose in training apprentices. The Circle of Lords assigned Lady Olaris Rhea to instruct Khai.

Shortly after, Ship identified a Damorian s18 light freighter en route from the world Eriadu. Ship requested the assistance of five Sith in an attack on the vessel, and Vol attended the meeting where these Sith were selected. With Ship's assistance, the Tribe expanded its reach into the galaxy, capturing ships to establish a new armada. In 43.5 ABY, when Luke Skywalker, the Jedi Grand Master, touched the Codex, an Aing-Tii relic, his presence was amplified and his name echoed through the Force to the Tribe's members. Ship provided Vol with information about Skywalker and the threat he posed, leading Vol and Rhea to personally select a strike team to hunt the Jedi. However, Ship abruptly departed Kesh to follow the call through the Force, and Vol commanded the strike team to locate Ship before pursuing Skywalker.

The strike team encountered Abeloth, a powerful dark side entity, but numerous attempts by the strike team and the Sith fleet to eliminate Skywalker and destroy or capture Abeloth were unsuccessful. Following a failed mission on Nam Chorios, Abeloth contacted the Sith and proposed an alliance to defeat their shared enemy, the Jedi. Vol immediately convened a meeting of the Tribe in the Circle Chambers to discuss the implications of such an alliance. During the debate, Yasvan, a Sith Saber, informed him that Ship had arrived in orbit with Abeloth and Gavar Khai, another Saber. The Grand Lord decided to allow Abeloth to descend to Kesh's surface and arranged a presentation to celebrate her arrival. He contacted Saber Khai, informing him that the Sith required three days to prepare. With preparations complete, Darish Vol delivered a speech upon Abeloth's arrival and accompanied her in the subsequent parade and masquerade.


Subsequently, he gathered with the Circle of Lords members he trusted most. Later that night, Abeloth appeared in his dreams and attacked him, attempting to kill him with her tentacles. In her recklessness, however, he managed to delve into her mind, discovering her great pain and her desire for love and companionship. Utilizing a technique he had recently learned, Vol implanted the belief that she was ugly and unlovable, causing her attempt to kill him to turn into an attempt to escape. He continued mocking her, but she suddenly broke free, causing Vol great pain. Vol, left extremely weak, urgently summoned his aid, the Sith Saber Revar. He instructed Revar to escort him to his ship and warn the Lords and the planet's defenses that Abeloth was about to attack Tahv. However, his warning was too late, as Abeloth unleashed waves of Force energy onto the city, instantly killing thousands and devastating buildings and structures. Vol survived the carnage, but Abeloth and Ship both escaped, and several Sith, including Gavar Khai, defected from the Tribe, firing on Sith ships and protecting Abeloth.

Meanwhile, Sith agents had begun to infiltrate Coruscant, the galactic capital planet. Ivaar Workan, posing as Senator "Kameron Suldar," had gained influence in the Galactic Alliance Senate. Furthermore, the Jedi Order had departed Coruscant at Luke Skywalker's direction, who argued that the Jedi needed to be separate from the government and operate from a different location. Their departure brought the Sith closer to their goal of seizing the planet, and Workan contacted Vol, revealing that the Sith held key positions and that the last Jedi on the planet had been arrested. However, Workan also expressed concerns about the new Senator, Rokari Kem, suspecting she might know their true identities. Vol was disgusted by Workan's fear but, when Workan offered to kill her, Vol replied that he would personally come to the world and kill her, enabling the Sith to seize control of the galaxy.

Upon his arrival, Vol met with Workan in the Jedi Temple. The Grand Lord also had a second group of Sith prepared to attack or further infiltrate the government, depending on his decision after killing Kem. However, Kem was secretly Abeloth in disguise. When Vol attempted to kill her, she instead defeated and killed him, beheading him. Kem then contacted Workan, displaying Vol's head and convincing him to meet with her the following day.

Personality and traits

Darish Vol possessed strong leadership qualities, wisdom, and was the most respected member of the Tribe. Consequently, he was often perceived as intimidating, especially by younger members. While Vol trusted no one fully except himself and the Force, he considered Ivaar Workan unlikely to betray him. During the meeting in Tahv regarding the Tribe's interaction with Abeloth, Vol largely observed the Lords debating the matter. However, when Takaris Yur, a High Lord, mentioned that Abeloth was the strongest dark side being they had encountered, Vol subtly questioned whether she was stronger than him, forcing Yur to avoid a direct answer to avoid insulting Vol. Vol believed that while proximity to dangerous beings could provide valuable knowledge, survival to utilize that knowledge was uncertain, leading him to hesitate in allying with Abeloth. Nevertheless, he also believed it unwise to sever all ties with such a powerful being, so he decided to bring her to the surface to study her and make a final decision.

When speaking to Gavar Khai upon the Saber's arrival with Abeloth, Vol tested Khai's loyalty by informing him that Abeloth would have to wait three days before coming to the surface, making the trap apparent to Khai. When Khai expressed Abeloth's potential disappointment, Vol replied that Khai, as a capable Sith Saber, would need to convince her that the delay was due to their respect and desire to provide a respectable presentation. Vol also mentioned his anticipation for meeting Abeloth. Despite his pretense of good manners during their initial meeting, Khai sensed annoyance in Vol and tension between the Grand Lord and Abeloth. Vol took pride in Kesh and the Tribe's accomplishments. He viewed Abeloth as a means to enhance the Tribe's power, after which she would be disposable. During her attack on Vol, he was surprised by her agony over needing to be loved and quickly exploited it, attacking her by telling her that she was despised. However, when she broke free, he realized her immense strength and considered himself foolish for thinking he could control her.

Vol was disappointed by Workan's unease regarding Senator Rokari Kem after his successful infiltration of Coruscant. However, when Workan offered to eliminate her, Vol insisted on doing so himself, angered that Kem had challenged a member of the Tribe. Upon arriving on Coruscant, Vol regretted his severity with Workan, acknowledging the High Lord's success in penetrating the capital. However, Vol failed in his mission to kill Kem and died in what Workan, upon seeing the Grand Lord's decapitated head, believed was fear and torture.

By 44 ABY, Vol was well over eighty years old. Although his eyes remained sharp, his appearance had become fragile; he was stooped with age, his face was gaunt, his nose was beak-like, his hands were claw-like, and he was balding. Gavar Khai believed that Vol deserved respect for his longevity but also questioned whether Vol was weakening and needed replacement. For formal ceremonies and meetings, Vol wore colorful robes and vor'shandi markings on his face.

Powers and abilities

Darish Vol was exceptionally strong in the Force, becoming the most powerful member of the Lost Tribe of Sith. Despite his advanced age by 41 ABY, his presence in the Force remained remarkable, surpassing that of anyone else on the planet. During an attack in his sleep, he survived and nearly defeated Abeloth in a mental duel using insults and Mind Shards. Vol could control flames and mentally order his guards. Furthermore, Vol was skilled in using Dark Side Force Healing. He also possessed the Force Powers of Surge, Memory Walk to the point of driving people insane, and could employ Force Crush with a mere thought. He was adept at analyzing the emotions of others through the Force. On Coruscant, he embarked on a mission to assassinate Senator Kem; however, Kem, possessed by Abeloth, defeated and killed Vol.

Behind the scenes

Darish Vol was conceived by Christie Golden for her first Star Wars novel, Fate of the Jedi: Omen, the second book in the Fate of the Jedi series. He later featured in "First Blood," a short story also penned by Golden, as well as Golden's third contribution to Fate of the Jedi, the eighth novel overall, Fate of the Jedi: Ascension.

