On the galactic capital planet of Coruscant, within the Senate Plaza, a duel occurred in 43.5 ABY. During that year, a number of Jedi Knights began experiencing a Force psychosis, leading them to believe that everyone around them had been replaced by imposters. Sothais Saar, a Chev Jedi Knight, developed this psychosis while reporting to Wynn Dorvan, the aide to the Chief of State. After fleeing the Senate Building, Saar was confronted in the Senate Plaza by Cilghal, a Jedi Master. The two engaged in a short duel that resulted in Cilghal overpowering Saar and rendering him unconscious. Saar was subsequently taken into custody at the Jedi Temple.
Around the time after the Second Galactic Civil War, multiple Jedi Knights started showing signs of a Force psychosis, giving them the false impression that everyone they knew had been replaced by imposters. The Galactic Alliance decided to address this problem by encasing the affected Jedi in carbonite, a decision that greatly displeased the Jedi Order.
In 43.5 ABY, the Chev Jedi Knight Sothais Saar began to experience the psychosis while giving a report to Wynn Dorvan, the personal aide of Natasi Daala, the Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance. This occurred within the Senate Building located on Coruscant, the galactic capital. Upon realizing Saar's condition, Dorvan informed the Jedi that he was unarmed, prompting Saar to escape. Dorvan attempted to initiate a lockdown of the building, but Saar, with the aid of the Force, managed to flee before the order could be executed.

Cilghal, the Mon Calamari Jedi Master, quickly confronted Saar in the Senate Plaza outside the building. Knowing from prior encounters with Jedi affected by psychosis that Saar was beyond reason, she engaged him. The duel commenced with Saar aggressively taking the offensive, however Cilghal was not fooled by his feints or attempts to unbalance her. Finding that he was being overpowered, Saar attempted to back-flip away from her, but the Jedi Master used telekinesis to pushed him midair, slamming him against a nearby building and rendering him unconscious. The Chev was then taken into custody at the Jedi Temple, where Jaina Solo, a Jedi Knight, made preparations to move him off-world to safeguard him from persecution by the Galactic Alliance.
Soon after, the Galactic Alliance dispatched officers from Coruscant Security to compel the Jedi Order to surrender the psychotic Knight, but the Jedi refused to comply. Daala, deciding to teach the Jedi a lesson, hired Mandalorians to attack the Jedi Temple. While the Jedi suffered no casualties, the raid significantly impaired Temple communications and coordination. Subsequently, a Galactic Alliance blockade on the Temple prevented Solo from escaping with Saar.
The duel was initially depicted in Fate of the Jedi: Backlash, the fourth novel in the Fate of the Jedi series and the second installment written by author Aaron Allston. The book was released in 2010.