Borath Maddeus

Borath Maddeus, a male Human, eventually achieved the positions of both Director of the Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service and Head of Galactic Alliance Security. During the tenure of Natasi Daala as Chief of State for the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, Maddeus secretly backed and became involved in the Lecersen Conspiracy. His involvement was later exposed, leading to his replacement by Garik Loran.


Around 14 ABY, Borath Maddeus began his career as an officer within the New Republic Intelligence Service. Later, during the Yuuzhan Vong War, he established resistance cells on planets that were either conquered or at risk, during which he encountered Stavin Thaal, who later became the Chief of Army Operations. Following the war, Maddeus remained with the Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service and was subsequently promoted to the rank of General. In the wake of the [Second Galactic Civil War](/article/second_galactic_civil_war], Belindi Kalenda was removed from her role as Director of Galactic Alliance Intelligence, and Maddeus was appointed as her successor, also assuming the position of Head of the newly established Galactic Alliance Security.

In 44 ABY, Maddeus joined the Lecersen Conspiracy, playing a supportive and highly clandestine role. As the conspiracy unraveled, he feared that captured co-conspirators would reveal his participation. Maddeus attempted to silence all remaining members of the conspiracy, assassinating captain Hunor and dispatching two Wraith Squadron squads to eliminate General Stavin Thaal. While these operations were successful, Garik "Face" Loran uncovered Maddeus' scheme and exposed him, leading to his arrest.

