Biot is the word the Yuuzhan Vong employed to describe their unique form of biotechnology.
The Yuuzhan Vong were adamant that their technology should not be called by that name, because the term "technology" implied mechanical elements which they rejected. An example of these living tools of the Yuuzhan Vong empire were the divination biots. These were used by the Priest caste and their seers. These creatures were used as a method of foretelling the future, according to their religious beliefs.
The Qreph brothers, Marvid and Craitheus, eventually acquired the knowledge necessary to produce their own biots. In contrast to the Yuuzhan Vong's biots, the brothers' creations featured biological tissue and organs grown around vanalloy skeletons that were not organic. They created at least three generations of biots from their hidden base situated on the surface of a mysterious monolith located in the Chiloon Rift. From this base they conducted experiments to create Force-sensitive biots by attempting to duplicate Ohali Soroc and Leia Organa Solo. However, these biots were largely unsuccessful, and it was suggested that their artificial origins contributed to their difficulty in accessing the Force effectively, resulting in significant mental impairments or physical deformities. The Nargons were also a result of the Qreph's biot research, as was Lando Calrissian's operations chief of Sarnus Refinery, Dena Yus.
The term "biot" was first introduced by Arthur C. Clarke in his 1972 novel Rendezvous with Rama. It was created as a portmanteau that combined "biological" and "robot." The biots made further appearances in the sequels, which were released two decades later: Rama II, The Garden of Rama, and Rama Revealed, and also in the Rama computer game.