Jaing Skirata, initially designated as Null-10 or simply N-10, served as a Null-class Advanced Recon Commando within the Grand Army of the Republic. Post-Clone Wars, he integrated into Clan Skirata as a Mandalorian member.
His designation originated from the Mandalorian training master named Jaing.
Kal Skirata described Jaing as an "artist among data deceivers," possessing the skill, alongside fellow Null Kom'rk, to "track a flitnat across the galaxy." He favored the Verpine shatter gun as his weapon of choice.
The heavy losses suffered by Clone commandos during the Battle of Geonosis necessitated the creation of new special forces units. Consequently, Jaing and Prudii were assigned to train Covert Ops clone troopers, selected from ordinary troopers showing special forces aptitude.
A year into the Clone Wars, Fi Skirata noted that Jaing was "cannoned up and hiking with extreme prejudice in the Bakura sector". He collaborated with Kom'rk and clone shadow troopers as part of a Clone Intelligence unit, tasked with locating General Grievous on Utapau as early as 21 BBY. However, Jaing suspected the information's ease of acquisition, believing someone intentionally wanted them to know Grievous's location. Consequently, he withheld the information from his superiors until the Clone Wars' conclusion.
Later that year, Jaing accompanied Kal Skirata aboard the Aay'han to transport an injured Fi to Mandalore. While there, Walon Vau requested Jaing to care for his pet strill, Mird, as Jaing seemed less repulsed by the creature than other Nulls, and Jaing accepted. Upon returning to Coruscant, Jaing, along with Mereel Skirata, investigated a flaw within the treasury system. During this investigation, Captain Ordo openly insulted a woman whom he and Mereel suspected of being a Republic Intelligence operative after she addressed Ordo simply as 'clone'. Ordo retorted that not all clones are the same, stating his name is "Captain Ordo" and emphasizing the impoliteness of addressing individuals based solely on appearance, comparing it to addressing her as an overweight human female. While at the treasury Mereel discovers the Republic Treasury is somehow funded by the InterGalactic Banking Clans, so he installs his own "bug" that steals a half-credit a month at random from billions of accounts around the galaxy on a daily basis and amassing a fortune that he later presents to Papa Kal as his "severance pay" from the GAR. Captain Ordo meets Clone Trooper Corr and replaces him to infiltrate the treasury to further investigate the link between the Banking Clan, the Treasury, and the Chancellor's Office.
Following the disappearance and subsequent discovery of the dismembered body of Ko Sai, a Kaminoan cloning scientist, Jaing was seen wearing a distinctive pair of grey-skinned gloves crafted from the Kaminoan who had committed suicide in Kyrimorut on Mandalore.
Jaing devised and implemented a banking virus that siphoned small amounts of Republic credits from trillions of accounts, intended for the personal use of Clan Skirata, anticipating that any discrepancies would be dismissed as banking fees.
Jaing was formally adopted by Kal Skirata. Following Order 66, Jaing deserted the GAR alongside his Null brothers. Jaing successfully recovered data from a damaged data chip belonging to the exiled Jedi Iri Camas, after Camas caused a gas explosion. The data contained a valuable list of Jedi survivors, their locations, vehicles, and potential Jedi sympathizers. Leveraging this information, Bardan Jusik connected with former Jedi Master Djinn Altis and his Altisian Jedi clan to explore potential alliances and refuge for three Jedi who sought shelter at Kal Skirata's Kyrimorut compound on Mandalore.
In 40 ABY, Mirta Gev recognized Boba Fett's unmasked appearance as identical to a grey-gloved Mandalorian bounty hunter she had previously encountered. This gloved Mandalorian clone identified himself as a clone trooper who had participated in the Battle of Geonosis. Fett realized that to be alive in 40 ABY, the clone would be biologically 140 years old due to the accelerated aging of clone troopers, yet he appeared to be of his appropriate chronological age.
Fett concluded that this clone had utilized Ko Sai's research, which vanished upon her death, to reverse the aging process. He resolved to locate the clone to determine if the research could be applied to heal his failing body.
The clone also asserted his affiliation with Clan Skirata and possessed a three-sided knife, almost certainly the one that had belonged to Kal Skirata.
Boba later discovered that the clone was none other than Jaing himself. Jaing had indeed found Ko Sai's data, but he wasn't the only one of his brothers to fix the aging gene; his fellow brothers also fixed their advanced aging, and Jaing was one among many of his brothers. However, Jaing arranged for Fett to be cured via a bone marrow transplant. A Mandalorian was sent to Boba's place with a small item, which was to be inserted into Boba's chest bone. Jaing kept his word, saving Fett's life.
He later made an appearance at the wedding of Mirta and Ghes Orade, accompanied by his pet strill, Mird.