Kom'rk Skirata, whose designation was initially Null-6 or N-6 (pronounced KOM-or-rohk), served as a Null-class Advanced Recon Commando within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic.
During the first year of the Clone Wars, Kom'rk was part of the Clone Intelligence units tasked with locating General Grievous on Utapau, working alongside Jaing Skirata and clone shadow troopers. While Kom'rk and Jaing Skirata were engaged in their extended search for General Grievous, they conducted reconnaissance and observation of various planets situated in the Outer Rim.
In the year 21 BBY, Kom'rk and Jaing stumbled upon intelligence linking General Grievous to the Regent of Garis. Suspecting that this information was intentionally leaked to them, implying that someone desired their knowledge of Grievous's location, they chose to withhold this information from their superiors until the conclusion of the Clone Wars.
Following the execution of Order 66, Kom'rk deserted the Grand Army of the Republic and sought refuge on Mandalore with the rest of Clan Skirata. Shortly after his arrival, he engaged in discussions with his Null ARC brother, Ordo Skirata, concerning Etain Tur-Mukan's cremation and the enhanced computer security measures implemented by the Imperial Army.
Similar to his fellow Null ARCs, Kom'rk possessed a well-developed sense of humor. He provided what he referred to as a "crumb" to Kal Skirata for delivery to Arligan Zey. This "crumb" was a recorded conversation (minus the location) between General Grievous and the Regent of Garis, an ally whose existence was previously unknown to them. He conveyed to Skirata and his Null brothers his desire to prevent Mace Windu or Obi-Wan Kenobi from interfering and compromising their operation.