Firefight at the Blue Star casino

The Firefight at the Blue Star casino was a brief conflict. Han Solo found himself in the middle of a battle against forces commanded by the Columi brothers, Craitheus and Marvid Qreph. The brothers' goal was to claim the one million credit reward that had been placed on Solo's head.


Back in 45 ABY, the Columi brothers, Craitheus and Marvid Qreph, were trying to seize financial control of the valuable Chiloon Rift. Their plans were disrupted by Lando Calrissian, who refused to relinquish his holdings in the rift. In an attempt to eliminate Calrissian, the Qrephs targeted him and his companions, Han and Leia Organa Solo. Despite orchestrating the destruction of Calrissian's refinery on the planet Sarnus, they failed to kill their targets. Calrissian and the Solos fled to Valnoos, acting on the advice of Calrissian's associate, Dena Yus, who was secretly working for the Qrephs. Unbeknownst to the group, the Blue Star casino, their destination, had recently been acquired by the Qrephs, who were prepared for their arrival. The Qrephs also put a one million credit bounty on Solo to ensure his capture.

The skirmish

While Calrissian and Solo were engaged in a game of sabacc variant known as riftwalker, Leia Organa Solo and Luke Skywalker, disguised as a Devaronian and a Twi'lek, were observing from a distance. With Solo and Calrissian exactly where they wanted them, the Qrephs' agents began to move. The Mandalorian, Mirta Gev, accompanied by several Mandalorian troopers, entered the casino. Mirta joined the sabacc game, hoping Solo would willingly go with her. Solo, believing his wife and brother-in-law would intervene before Gev could take him away, agreed to cooperate. However, as Gev was taking him into custody, Omad Kaeg, an associate of Calrissian, intervened and opened fire on the Mandalorians and the Blue Star security personnel, initiating a firefight. Amidst the chaos of blaster fire, Solo confronted Dena Yus, having realized she was a spy. During the struggle, Solo opened her purse, revealing several arachnokillers. As the creatures dispersed, they detonated within the casino, causing widespread disruption. Taking advantage of the confusion, Gev seized Solo and made her escape.

Just as Solo was being forced onto a Tra'kad shuttle, Skywalker and Organa Solo stormed into the hangar, wielding their lightsabers. Mandalorian troopers tried to stop the Jedi, but they were easily defeated. It seemed Gev's escape would be thwarted. However, the Qrephs' Force-sensitive agent, Vestara Khai, used her powers to distract the Jedi by throwing grenades at their feet. Unable to focus on Gev, the Mandalorian pulled Solo aboard her shuttle and fled Valnoos. Before the ship could escape, the Jedi managed to attach a homing beacon to it.


After her departure, Gev delivered Solo to the Qrephs on their asteroid crusher, the Ormni. However, she was denied the full one million credit bounty because Vestara Khai claimed she was responsible for Gev's successful escape. Their disagreement was cut short by the arrival of the Jedi in a ScragHull commando boat, who had come to rescue Solo.

