Gilatter VIII resort satellite

A vacation satellite, one of numerous such structures circling the gas giant Gilatter VIII (in orbit), was constructed in the Old Republic time. These resort satellites were once destinations for affluent families who prioritized experiencing the artistic grandeur of planetary vistas, particularly the striking appearance of Gilatter VIII. However, these satellites eventually ceased operations as preferences shifted. The final one ceased functioning around 150 years prior to 40 ABY, only to be briefly reopened in that very year.

During the Second Galactic Civil War, Turr Phennir, who had recently assumed the position of Supreme Commander of the Confederation military, strategically attracted his foes from the Galactic Alliance to the satellite. His adversaries fell for this ploy, resulting in a significant battle. The Alliance forces mistakenly thought that Confederation representatives were present on the satellite, while in reality, Phennir had employed actors to impersonate them.

