The conflict known as the Battle of Kuat transpired in 40 ABY. It pitted the Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet, under the command of Jacen Solo, against the forces of the Confederation.
Jacen Solo experienced a Force vision foretelling a crucial battle at Kuat. The vision indicated that a Confederation victory would lead to an immediate assault on Coruscant.
The confrontation had been raging for a week, with neither side gaining a significant advantage. Jacen Solo required the arrival of both the Jedi and the Hapan Home Fleet to shift the balance of power in his favor. The strategy involved his uncle, Luke Skywalker, leading a squadron of StealthX fighters, accompanied by other Jedi, on a strike against the Corellian ships. This attack would utilize Jedi shadow bombs, with the fighters resupplying at the Megador before targeting the Bothan fleet. This cycle would continue until the Confederation fleet was defeated.
As the battle unfolded, Ben Skywalker, Luke's son and Jacen's cousin, was in discussions with the removed Chief of State Cal Omas on Coruscant. Their conversation touched upon the possibility of Jacen's involvement in the recent passing of Ben's mother, Mara. Subsequently, Omas committed suicide, manipulating the scene to implicate Ben in his assassination. Despite his personal grief over his wife's death, Luke initially intended to support Jacen in the fight against the Confederation. However, news of Omas's death soon reached the Jedi. Enraged, Luke confronted Jacen in his private quarters. Following a heated exchange regarding Jacen's control of the Jedi Academy on Ossus and Ben's situation, Luke declared his withdrawal of support for Jacen. He and the Jedi abandoned the battle, leaving Jacen with significantly reduced chances of success. Jacen then ordered the Hapan Home Fleet to return to Hapes, unwilling to jeopardize the rule of his lover, Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo. With the Jedi's departure, the battle devolved into a prolonged and brutal conflict, resulting in heavy losses for both sides.
Enraged by what he perceived as betrayal, Jacen conceived a sudden plan. Both the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and the Confederation were actively vying for the support of Kashyyyk. The side that could secure the allegiance of the Wookiees and their substantial fleet would undoubtedly triumph. He piloted the Anakin Solo to Kashyyyk and initiated an attack on the planet, effectively diverting the Confederate assault on Kuat.