Rakehell Squadron

Rakehell Squadron, established in 40 ABY, was a starfighter squadron that aligned with the Jedi Order. It was created to support the rebellion against Galactic Alliance co-Chief of State Jacen Solo. Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order believed Solo was escalating hostilities between the Confederation separatists and the Galactic Alliance. Previously, the Jedi had severed ties with the Galactic Alliance due to Solo's Sith status. Their plan involved a mission to weaken Solo's authority, ultimately leading to his overthrow, with Rakehell Squadron playing a crucial role. Under the command of Wedge Antilles, the squadron comprised both Jedi and non-Jedi members, primarily seasoned fighter pilots. Notably, General Tycho Celchu, a member of the squadron, was still bound to the Galactic Alliance, having been dispatched to the Jedi as a diplomatic envoy by the Galactic Alliance without Solo's authorization.

During the Jedi attack on the Centerpoint Station superweapon and the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Anakin Solo, Rakehell Squadron pursued the shuttle Reveille to the Anakin Solo. This shuttle carried a Jedi infiltration team tasked with rescuing the Hapan Chume'da Allana, whom Solo was exploiting as political leverage against the Hapes Consortium. After the infiltration team successfully breached the Anakin Solo's defenses, Rakehell Squadron was tasked with diverting Galactic Alliance fighters and providing cover for a second Jedi strike team infiltrating Centerpoint Station aboard another shuttle, Broadside. This second team aimed to destroy the station. Rakehell Squadron demonstrated exceptional combat effectiveness, shooting down two members of the elite Galactic Alliance unit Rogue Squadron and achieving all mission objectives, albeit with considerable losses. After covering the extraction of the intrusion team and Allana on the Millennium Falcon, Rakehell Squadron retreated to a space station located near Gyndine.



The formation of Rakehell Squadron was an impromptu decision made by Wedge Antilles as a response to the planned Jedi assault on Centerpoint Station. After the Jedi Order separated from the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances due to Jacen Solo's descent to the dark side of the Force and his Sith affiliation, Cha Niathal, the Galactic Alliance co-Chief of State, observed that the Confederation had nearly achieved military parity with the Galactic Alliance. The balance of power in the war had initially favored the Galactic Alliance, but subsequent losses and the Jedi Order's departure had weakened their position. Niathal's confidence in Solo's abilities and judgment diminished, leading her to seek a swift resolution to the Second Galactic Civil War. Recognizing that the Jedi Order's return would significantly enhance her ability to end the war, and aware that Solo had severed ties with the Jedi, Niathal secretly dispatched General Tycho Celchu to establish contact with the exiled Jedi Order.

Accompanied by his aides, scientist Toval Seyah and starfighter pilot Syal Antilles, Celchu connected with the Jedi Order and their allies, including Han Solo and Wedge Antilles, Celchu's former squadron leader and Syal's father, at their refuge on the Forest Moon of Endor. Celchu discussed Niathal's request with Luke Skywalker, the head of the Jedi Order, during a private audience. He carefully worded his statements to conceal Niathal's involvement if his mission were compromised, as per her instructions. Skywalker declined Celchu's request, refusing to subject the Jedi to Jacen Solo's authority.

Instead, Skywalker outlined the Jedi's immediate objectives: securing a new refuge location, as Celchu's presence and subsequent report would jeopardize their presence on Endor's moon; rescuing the kidnapped Allana, the heir of the Hapes Cluster, who was being held captive to exert political and personal influence over Tenel Ka, the Hapan Queen Mother; and destroying Centerpoint Station with the assistance of Toval Seyah, an expert on the station, to prevent its use by either the Confederation or Galactic Alliance. The station had been used decades prior to destroy several stars, and Skywalker sought to disable it to prevent its use as a weapon of war. To enable a team of Jedi to enter Solo's personal ship, the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Anakin Solo, Skywalker planned to commandeer Celchu's shuttle for use as an infiltration vehicle, as it possessed the necessary codes to gain clearance to land in the Anakin Solo's hangar.

Understandably, Celchu was displeased by this proposal, as his primary duty was to the Galactic Alliance, and he saw little benefit for the Galactic Alliance in the Jedi's plan, despite his personal sympathies towards the Jedi. However, Wedge Antilles persuaded him to cooperate by jokingly pointing a blaster at him. With a plausible excuse of coercion, Celchu agreed to Skywalker's plan. His long-standing ties with many Jedi Order members and friendships with Jedi supporters, including Antilles, Solo, and the family of former Rogue Squadron pilot and Jedi Master Corran Horn, also influenced his decision. Furthermore, Celchu convinced Antilles to allow him to accompany the Jedi strike team in a starfighter as a means of returning to the Galactic Alliance. Additionally, Celchu appointed Syal Antilles as the official diplomatic liaison from the Galactic Alliance to the Jedi Order, freeing her from the same oaths of duty that restricted him from fully cooperating with Antilles and the Jedi. With these arrangements in place, Skywalker planned for Antilles to assemble a squadron of starfighters to pursue Celchu's shuttle and the infiltration team into the Anakin Solo, and then provide support for the mission to destroy Centerpoint Station.

Antilles followed these instructions, forming Rakehell Squadron from a mix of personal friends, Jedi Order members, and his own daughter, Syal Antilles. Equipped with T-65 X-Wing starfighters provided by the Jedi Order, the squadron was initially stationed on the pleasure ship and converted Imperial-class Star Destroyer Errant Venture until news arrived that Jacen Solo was leading an assault fleet to the Corellian system. The moment for Skywalker and Antilles to act had arrived.

Rakehell Squadron launched from a point two light-years outside the Corellian system, making a brief jump through hyperspace while escorting two shuttles. The first shuttle, Reveille, was to be pursued into the Galactic Alliance fleet by the Rakehells, creating the illusion of a chase to reinforce the idea that Reveille was aligned with Galactic Alliance forces. Its passengers, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne, Ben Skywalker, Iella Wessiri Antilles, and R2-D2, would then infiltrate Jacen Solo's flagship to rescue Allana. The second shuttle, Broadside, would transport another group of Jedi, including Kyp Durron, Jaden Korr, Valin Horn, and Doctor Seyah, disguised as Galactic Alliance Guard troopers, to Centerpoint Station to attempt the destruction of the superweapon.

Battle of Centerpoint Station

Centerpoint Station.

As they neared the battle, where Confederation forces were already engaged with the Galactic Alliance, the members of Rakehell Squadron, known as "Rakes," began their pursuit of Reveille, firing in a way that barely missed the craft. This created the impression of a legitimate chase, reinforcing the idea that Reveille was friendly to Galactic Alliance forces. Tycho Celchu, flying as Rakehell Three, agreed to participate in the pursuit towards the Anakin Solo but refrained from firing. Additionally, his communications board was linked to Antilles', preventing him from sharing information about the squadron's plans with the Galactic Alliance. Reveille was also broadcasting its correct registration as a Galactic Alliance vessel, as Iella Wessiri Antilles had already sliced the password from its computer.

As the shuttle and its pursuers approached the Anakin Solo, the Galactic Alliance Star Destroyer opened fire. The Rakehells took defensive maneuvers, evading the fire, but Tycho Celchu used the chaos to discreetly inform Syal Antilles that he was going to attempt to reach the Star Destroyer's hangar bay. He also instructed her not to follow him. Following Reveille as the other Rakehells broke away, Celchu managed to evade the Galactic Alliance fire and land safely inside the hangar. His intention was to alert the security forces gathered there to the danger posed by the Jedi inside Reveille. However, as he exited his cockpit, he was shot by an overzealous security guard, allowing the Jedi to exit their vessel with the element of surprise. Celchu would later recover and continue his service with the Galactic Alliance, despite his personal reservations.

Following their successful mock pursuit of Reveille, Wedge Antilles directed Rakehell Squadron to begin a similar routine with Broadside. However, while chasing Broadside, Rakehell Squadron encountered opposition from Galactic Alliance starfighters, and not just any unit. As they approached Centerpoint Station, the Rakehells found themselves engaged with Rogue Squadron, the elite starfighter squadron dating back to the Galactic Civil War that had been founded and commanded by Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles. The two squadrons clashed in a prolonged duel, showcasing the high skill levels of both sides. Initially, the Rakehells, particularly Wedge and Syal Antilles, attempted to avoid destroying their opponents' starfighters, but as the engagement continued, they had no choice. Even glancing shots intended to damage the Rogues were insufficient to stop the renowned squadron, and Rakehell casualties began to mount. During the battle, Antilles noted that at least two Rogues, including Rogue Leader, a Duros named Lensi, had been killed, and the Rakehells had also suffered losses. Twool, flying as Rakehell Six, had been killed, and Cheriss ke Hanadi, Rakehell Eight, was stranded in space. Additionally, Sanola Ti, flying as Rakehell Two, had sustained damage to her starfighter, and Antilles ordered her to withdraw from the engagement zone. With Celchu having returned to the Galactic Alliance, the Rakehells had only eight pilots remaining in the battle. However, Broadside had successfully docked with Centerpoint Station, and its team of saboteurs had initiated the destruction of the station.

The arrival of a Commenori task force to support the Corellians diverted the Galactic Alliance's attention, drawing the Rogues and other starfighter units away from the Rakehells, whose intentions the Galactic Alliance forces had been unable to determine. Seyah, Durron, and the other Centerpoint saboteurs withdrew from the doomed station on Broadside. Meanwhile, the Jedi aboard the Anakin Solo had successfully rescued Allana. Knowing that they could not retreat on Reveille, Luke Skywalker had arranged for Jagged Fel, Kyle Katarn, and C-3PO aboard the Millennium Falcon to extract the intrusion team from the Anakin Solo. As the Millennium Falcon approached the Anakin Solo, the Rakehells were tasked with providing cover for the freighter.

Opening fire with laser cannons and proton torpedoes, the Rakehells successfully diverted the Anakin Solo's fire from the Millennium Falcon, and the intrusion team was successfully evacuated, narrowly escaping an enraged Jacen Solo, who ordered his gunners to use tractor beams to capture the freighter. However, they were unable to do so in time, and the Millennium Falcon, Broadside, and the Rakehells escaped into hyperspace. Just before their departure, the Rakehells witnessed the detonation of Centerpoint Station, which obliterated both the Corellian/Commenori fleets and the Galactic Alliance flotilla, except for the Anakin Solo, bringing the battle to an abrupt end.

After leaving the Corellian system, the Rakehells and their escort ships stopped at an orbital station near Gyndine owned by Tendrando Arms. As the owners of Tendrando, Lando Calrissian and Tendra Risant Calrissian were sympathetic to the Jedi, there were no issues with the use of the facility. At that point, the squadron was disbanded, and the Jedi returned to their base on Endor.


Like most standard starfighter squadrons of that era, Rakehell Squadron consisted of twelve members, divided into three flights of four starfighters each, designated One Flight, Two Flight, and Three Flight. This organizational structure mirrored that used by Antilles in previous commands, such as Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron. In combat against the Galactic Alliance, the squadron members operated in wing pairs, with each pair of Rakehells providing cover for their wingmate, a standard practice among starfighter units.


The equipment utilized by Rakehell Squadron was provided by the Jedi Order's substantial resources, which were equivalent to those of a sizable paramilitary force. The X-Wing starfighter, with variants in use as early as forty years prior, a reliable workhorse of the Rebel Alliance, New Republic, and Galactic Alliance starfighter corps, and the preferred spacecraft of the elite Rogue Squadron for many years, was the primary vehicle for Rakehell Squadron.

Two of the Rakehell Squadron X-Wings, flown by Tycho Celchu and Syal Antilles, underwent special modifications to their communications equipment. As officers of the Galactic Alliance military, their primary duty would have been to report the Jedi Order's activities to the Galactic Alliance. By linking their communications equipment to his, ensuring that any warning Celchu or Antilles provided would be delayed, Wedge Antilles eliminated this obstacle to their participation in the squadron's actions. Furthermore, both Celchu and Syal Antilles willingly joined the Rakehells, and Syal even destroyed a member of Rogue Squadron after Celchu released her from her Galactic Alliance obligations.


The members of Rakehell Squadron came from diverse backgrounds. Most were former or current members of the New Republic or Galactic Alliance military. Five were Jedi. All were experienced starfighter pilots. Their combined experience and skill made them one of the most capable groups of starfighter pilots of their time, even though they had never flown together as a unit before their first engagement.

Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles, legendary starfighter pilot and leader of Rakehell Squadron.

Wedge Antilles, a renowned Corellian starfighter pilot, served as Rakehell Leader, the leader of One Flight, and a veteran of Starfighter Command since the early days of the Rebellion. He was a survivor of the first Death Star run, one of two individuals who could claim to have destroyed the second Death Star, a founding member and later commander of the famed Rogue Squadron, and he also flew starfighters during the Yuuzhan Vong War with considerable success, despite having been promoted to a command-level rank. With hundreds of kills, Antilles was considered the best starfighter pilot alive and a skilled trainer, having personally trained at least three of the pilots in Rakehell Squadron. By the end of his service with the Galactic Alliance, Antilles had reached the rank of general. Although retired at the start of the Confederation-Galactic Alliance War, Antilles soon became involved in the conflict after escaping Galactic Alliance custody. He led the Corellian military for a time, but an attempt to remove him, followed by an assassination attempt, led him to side with the Jedi Order, which had also withdrawn from the Galactic Alliance. During the Battle of Centerpoint Station, Antilles directed the Rakehells in their missions while also flying in combat, shooting down Rogue Leader Lensi. He survived the Battle of Centerpoint Station.

Sanola Ti

Sanola Ti, a Dathomiri Jedi Knight, flew as Rakehell Two in Rakehell Squadron. A member of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order, Ti was the niece of the famous Jedi Knight Kirana Ti and inherited her relative's skill in a starfighter, despite being younger than the other members of Rakehell Squadron. Sanola Ti survived Rakehell Squadron's participation in the Battle of Centerpoint Station, although her starfighter was damaged, and Wedge Antilles ordered her to withdraw from the battle zone early.

Tycho Celchu

Tycho Celchu.

Tycho Celchu held the designation Rakehell Three during his time in Rakehell Squadron. A native of Alderaan, Celchu initially flew for the Empire before the destruction of Alderaan led him to defect to the Rebel Alliance. Celchu became an accomplished Rebel pilot, flying with Rogue Squadron alongside figures like Wedge Antilles. He survived the attack run on the second Death Star during the Battle of Endor. Later, Celchu commanded Rogue Squadron for many years, serving the Rebel Alliance and New Republic throughout the Galactic Civil War. Shortly before the war's end, Celchu retired from military service after years in the starfighter cockpit, marrying his love and fellow Alderaanian, Winter Celchu. Celchu returned to service during the Yuuzhan Vong War as a colonel. Although his wife wanted him to retire again after the Yuuzhan Vong War, Celchu was again in active Galactic Alliance service during the Confederation-Galactic Alliance War, holding the rank of general. When Chief of State Cha Niathal wanted to discreetly discuss the potential return of the Jedi Order to the Galactic Alliance, she dispatched Celchu to meet with his old friend and commander Wedge Antilles, who had been assisting the Jedi, as well as Luke Skywalker. Following a series of events, including Skywalker's promise to return the Jedi to the Galactic Alliance after Jacen Solo was dealt with, Celchu volunteered to fly in Rakehell Squadron. However, his duty as a Galactic Alliance officer required Antilles to disable his communications to prevent Celchu from informing his superiors about the Jedi's plan for the Battle of Centerpoint Station. During the battle, Celchu landed his X-Wing safely in the Anakin Solo's hangar, but an overreacting security guard shot him in the chest, injuring him.

Syal Antilles

Syal Antilles, who flew as Rakehell Four, was the daughter of Wedge Antilles and Iella Wessiri Antilles. Antilles was part of the Galactic Alliance military when the Confederation-Galactic Alliance War began, even flying against her father briefly in the Blockade of Corellia and Battle of Tralus. Trained by Tycho Celchu and Wedge Antilles, Syal was an accomplished pilot, although she had not flown an X-Wing in some time as of the Battle of Centerpoint Station. Released from her duties to the Galactic Alliance by her superior, Tycho Celchu, Antilles was free to participate in completing Rakehell's objectives, although she regretted destroying a member of Rogue Squadron during the battle. Syal Antilles survived the Battle of Centerpoint Station.

Corran Horn

Corran Horn, Rakehell Five.

Corran Horn, a Corellian starfighter pilot and Jedi Master, flew as Rakehell Five. Due to his experience, Wedge Antilles placed him in charge of Two Flight. During the Galactic Civil War, Horn was already a skilled starfighter pilot when he joined the Rebellion, and he was soon accepted into Rogue Squadron, where he trained and flew under Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu. He became one of the squadron's most renowned members, although he temporarily left to pursue Jedi training, which led to his eventual resignation from the military. The Yuuzhan Vong War saw Horn return to the front lines, participating in actions such as the Battle of Ithor and the Second Battle of Borleias; during the latter battle, he once again flew as a member of Rogue Squadron. Horn returned to the Jedi Order full-time after the Yuuzhan Vong were defeated and became one of the Order's leading Masters. Corran Horn survived the Battle of Centerpoint Station.


Twool, a male Rodian Jedi Knight, was assigned the position of Rakehell Six. Twool's X-Wing had been refitted with enhanced sensors for a previous mission, and these modifications were retained for the Battle of Centerpoint Station. However, Twool was killed in combat against Rogue Squadron during Rakehell's approach to Centerpoint Station.

Tyria Sarkin Tainer

Tyria Sarkin Tainer.

Tyria Sarkin Tainer, known as Rakehell Seven, hailed from Toprawa. She was a founding member of Wraith Squadron, serving under Wedge Antilles as both an X-Wing pilot and a commando. While serving with the Wraiths, Tyria Sarkin Tainer became romantically involved with and eventually married fellow Wraith Kell Tainer. Despite being aware of her minor Force-sensitivity before joining the New Republic military, Tainer later resigned from service to pursue Jedi training, similar to Corran Horn. However, unlike Horn, she independently followed the path of the Jedi until Luke Skywalker officially recognized her as a full Jedi Knight before the Yuuzhan Vong War. Tainer lived through the Battle of Centerpoint Station.

Cheriss ke Hanadi

Cheriss ke Hanadi, a female Adumari, first encountered Wedge Antilles during the New Republic's initial diplomatic mission to Adumar in 13 ABY. Subsequently, she joined the New Republic and became a member of Starfighter Command. Her proficiency with a blastsword and vibroblade led to her appointment as the chief vibroblade instructor for all of Starfighter Command at one point, although she later retired. In 40 ABY, Cheriss ke Hanadi became part of Rakehell Squadron under Wedge Antilles, serving as Rakehell Eight. During a dogfight with Rogue Squadron at the Battle of Centerpoint Station, ke Hanadi was compelled to perform an extravehicular maneuver, but she is confirmed to have survived.

Jaina Solo

Jaina Solo.

Jaina Solo, known as Rakehell Nine and the leader of Three Flight, was both a Jedi Knight and a skilled starfighter pilot. As the daughter of Han and Leia Organa Solo, Jaina Solo had already received training in both the Jedi arts and combat flying against the Yuuzhan Vong by the age of sixteen. During the war, she accumulated a significant number of kills and gained the title of Sword of the Jedi due to her contributions on the front lines. Solo possessed prior command experience, having led Twin Suns Squadron during the Yuuzhan Vong War and serving as Rogue Leader in the Galactic Alliance military. After leaving the military in 40 ABY due to a disagreement with her twin brother, Jacen Solo, Jaina dedicated herself full-time to the Jedi Order and assisted in the pursuit of the renegade Dark Jedi Alema Rar. Jaina Solo survived the Battle of Centerpoint Station.



Zekk, a Human male Jedi Knight, flew as Rakehell Ten. Once a Dark Jedi, Zekk was a childhood friend of Jaina Solo, who helped him find redemption. Since then, he served within the Jedi Order, including during the Yuuzhan Vong War, where he frequently battled the extragalactic invaders. Following the war, he was among the Jedi who participated in the Swarm War after he, Jaina Solo, and others became joined with the Killik hives, but he later recovered and became unjoined. After Jaina Solo's return to the Jedi Order after leaving the Galactic Alliance military, Zekk, Solo, and Jagged Fel embarked on a lengthy mission to hunt down Alema Rar, who was eventually killed by Fel. Shortly after their return, Zekk joined Rakehell Squadron, participating in and surviving the Battle of Centerpoint Station.

Volu Nyth

Volu Nyth, a female Human from Kuat, was Rakehell Eleven. She previously flew with Rogue Squadron during the Yuuzhan Vong War, including the Battle of Borleias, before retiring after the war. However, Nyth rejoined the fight by joining Rakehell Squadron after Wedge Antilles formed it, and she took part in the Battle of Centerpoint Station, surviving the engagement.

Wes Janson

Wes Janson, Rakehell Twelve.

Wes Janson, a Human male hailing from Taanab, was known by the callsign Rakehell Twelve. A seasoned veteran of Starfighter Command and a contemporary of Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu, Janson also briefly held the position of executive officer in Wraith Squadron. However, he spent the majority of his military career with Rogue Squadron. Janson served with the Rogues until the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, after which he retired, only to return during the Yuuzhan Vong War, like many of his peers. He retired once more until Wedge Antilles called for the formation of Rakehell Squadron, at which point Janson enlisted, bringing his trademark humor with him, and participated in the Battle of Centerpoint Station, surviving the conflict.

Behind the scenes

Rakehell Squadron was the creation of Aaron Allston for his contribution to the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series with his third book, Legacy of the Force: Fury. The squadron's ultimate fate following the Battle of Centerpoint Station remains unrevealed.

