Twool, a young Rodian initiate, trained under Luke Skywalker in his Jedi Order. This occurred five years following the peace treaty that was established between the Galactic Alliance and the Yuuzhan Vong.
Twool's responsibility was to present Cal Omas and Chiss Aristocra Mitt'swe'kleoni to the Jedi Masters at a Masters' Council gathering within the new Jedi Temple. However, Luke Skywalker, sensing the arrival of those visiting, opened the door, which startled Twool. Skywalker then dismissed Twool from the room as the Chief of State and the Aristocra came inside. Afterward, Luke requested Twool to summon Jacen Solo for a conversation.
By the time of the Second Galactic Civil War, Twool had become a Jedi Knight. He piloted a StealthX on multiple assignments, with his duties including the utilization of his starfighter's unique sensors to observe Jacen Solo. Subsequently, Twool served in Rakehell Squadron under Wedge Antilles's leadership. Twool met his end during an engagement between the Rakehells and Rogue Squadron.