Sekot accords

The peace treaties known as the Sekot accords marked the end of hostilities between the Galactic Alliance and the Yuuzhan Vong empire following the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar.


Following the demise of the Vong Supreme Overlord, Shimrra Jamaane, at the hand of Luke Skywalker, a state of utter hopelessness engulfed the Yuuzhan Vong. Although the death of Supreme Overlords was a common occurrence (often leading to the selection of a new leader for the polyp throne), there was usually a selection of potential successors. However, Shimrra had deliberately eliminated all possible contenders. The absence of an officially recognized Overlord rendered the Yuuzhan Vong incapable of appealing to their deities. Consequently, they faced defeat, and Warmaster Nas Choka, the highest-ranking surviving member of the Elite, issued an order for the Yuuzhan Vong empire to cease all combat operations, choosing either surrender alongside him or an honorable death alongside Shimrra. Lacking established protocols for surrender, the Yuuzhan Vong anticipated the Galactic Alliance would respond in a manner consistent with their own practices: by executing all of them.

Within the Galactic Alliance, numerous factions advocated for precisely that outcome. The Bothans, who had declared ar'krai against the Yuuzhan Vong, insisted on the complete annihilation of every Yuuzhan Vong individual. Some factions proposed the simple extermination of the entire Warrior caste. Less belligerent factions suggested confining the Yuuzhan Vong aboard their vessels or simply returning them to the Void situated between the galaxy and their original galaxy. A resolution soon emerged in the form of Zonama Sekot. Sekot, the planet's living intelligence, revealed itself to be the seed of Yuuzhan'tar, the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld destroyed during the Cremlevian War. Sekot requested that the Yuuzhan Vong be granted permission to settle on the planet, allowing them to redefine their beliefs in a peaceful environment.

Terms of Surrender

Chief of State Cal Omas, influenced by Master Skywalker's urging, consented to persuade the Galactic Alliance Senate to spare the Yuuzhan Vong, but under stringent conditions. As part of the dismantling of the Yuuzhan Vong empire, the terms of surrender stipulated their complete demilitarization and the stripping of all spacecraft, preventing them from ever leaving Zonama Sekot's atmosphere. Simultaneously, the Yuuzhan Vong fleet was directed into Coruscant Prime, which is Coruscant's star.

The shapers were tasked with assisting the Alliance in appeasing the World Brain of Yuuzhan'tar, facilitating the Alliance's commencement of the reconstruction of Coruscant. The Ruling castes were mandated to cease their persecution of the Shamed Ones, now renamed the Extolled, and abolish their caste systems. Additionally, they were required to discontinue their blood rituals and the practice of sacrificing sentient beings to their deities. Finally, Nas Choka was instructed to recall all Yuuzhan Vong to the Coruscant system, where they would join the rest of their people on Zonama Sekot. Any who refused to heed the call would be executed either by the Galactic Alliance or by Yuuzhan Vong loyal to Nas Choka.

Despite initial horror at the prospect of being entrusted to Sekot—a planet they had dedicated the entire Battle of Coruscant to destroying—Nas Choka yielded, recognizing that the Yuuzhan Vong were the defeated party and had forfeited all rights, at least in his estimation. Choka meticulously implemented every term. Once all Yuuzhan Vong were on the planet, Zonama Sekot returned to the Unknown Regions, ensuring the Yuuzhan Vong would be shielded from further retaliation.


While the peace averted a xenocide, dissatisfaction with the outcome was widespread. The Bothans openly defied the accords, and the ensuing political turmoil compelled Admiral Traest Kre'fey, who had commanded the Galactic Alliance fleet during the battle and been hailed as the "Liberator of Coruscant," to resign from his position as Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. As of 35 ABY, Reh'mwa, a Bothan fundamentalist, persisted in attempting to continue the ar'krai and locate Zonama Sekot in the Unknown Regions. However, their efforts proved fruitless.

Yuuzhan Vong renegades, marked for death by the Galactic Alliance for their noncompliance, continued to resist until at least 41 ABY.

