Patra Tebut

Patra Tebut served as a female watch officer aboard the starship known as the Anakin Solo.


Not long after the battle of Gilatter VIII, Tebut was stationed on the Anakin Solo when Ben Skywalker brought the Sith Meditation Sphere aboard, a vessel he had recovered during his mission to Ziost, docking it in the ship's hangar. Colonel Jacen Solo then instructed her to erase all records of the ship's presence, ensuring no one had witnessed its arrival, that it had not docked, and that, essentially, the sphere never existed. She followed these orders swiftly and efficiently, leading Solo to reflect that, much like Captain Lon Shevu, Tebut was exceptionally dependable.

Following the Anakin Solo's escape from Kashyyyk after their attack upon that planet, Tebut was nominated as a candidate for executive officer, and she began training on all bridge stations of the Anakin Solo. It was Tebut who discovered that the Jedi had attached a tracking device to the cloak worn by Darth Caedus, formerly Jacen Solo. Although displeased that he had allowed the Jedi to place a tracking beacon on his cloak, Caedus was pleased with Tebut's performance, and ordered the ship's Captain Kral Nevil to ensure a commendation was placed in her official file.

Some time later, the Anakin Solo came across General Tycho Celchu's shuttle, which appeared to be pursued by a squadron of Confederation X-wings. The shuttle transmitted all the correct identification codes and passwords, and Tebut permitted the shuttle to dock. Unbeknownst to her, General Celchu was not aboard; instead, a strike force composed of Jedi and their allies had infiltrated the shuttle. These Jedi managed to sneak onto the Anakin Solo, and successfully rescued Tenel Ka's daughter Allana from the vessel.

After the Jedi had left, Darth Caedus returned to the bridge, demanding to know who authorized the shuttle's docking. Tebut confessed that she had permitted the shuttle to dock, explaining that the shuttle had provided all the necessary codes and passwords. Caedus, however, disagreed and began choking her using the Force. Captain Nevil attempted to intervene, only to be thrown against a bulkhead via telekinesis. In her final moments, Tebut affirmed her loyalty to Caedus, but this only further enraged him to the point where he was consumed by rage. Ultimately, after harshly berating her for her failure, Caedus broke her neck and unceremoniously dropped her body onto the deck before storming off the bridge. This act, committed in such fury, solidified Caedus's descent into the ways of his grandfather, Darth Vader.

Admiral Cha Niathal, Caedus's Co-Chief of State, was deeply disturbed by Tebut's murder and began to contemplate removing Caedus from his position. However, at that time, Niathal was not yet willing to openly oppose Caedus, and chose not to have him eliminated immediately. Niathal later informed Luke Skywalker about the details of Tebut's death and his nephew's responsibility; Skywalker was not particularly surprised by this revelation. Caedus himself would later come to regret his outburst, realizing he had lost a valuable officer and damaged his reputation among the ranks.

