Battle of Thyferra

The Battle of Thyferra represented the conclusion of the Bacta War, a conflict fought between Rogue Squadron and the Thyferran government, which had the support of Ysanne Isard.

After collectively relinquishing their positions within the New Republic Defense Force, Rogue Squadron initiated a months-long operation to dismantle Isard's authority, break her monopoly over bacta, and rescue the captives held aboard Isard's flagship, the Lusankya. This operation reached its climax in the Battle, achieving all objectives except the liberation of the prisoners. Unbeknownst to Rogue Squadron, Isard managed to escape.


Despite the effectiveness of Rogue Squadron's hit-and-run strategies against Isard's bacta supply lines and processing facilities, Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu recognized the eventual need for a direct confrontation with Isard's superior forces. Consequently, their priorities were to bolster their own forces while simultaneously weakening Isard's.

Both goals were advanced during the Second ambush in the Graveyard. The unexpected arrival of the Thranta-class War Cruiser Valiant enabled Rogue Squadron to eliminate the Victory II-class Star Destroyer Corrupter (resulting in the death of Isard's most aggressive commander, Ait Convarion), and incorporate the Valiant into their fleet. Leading up to the battle, Antilles enlisted a sizable contingent of smuggler freighters to participate in the final assault and bribed Captain Sair Yonka to defect from Isard, bringing his ship, the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Avarice, with him.

The Battle

Phase One: Yag'Dhul

Rogue Squadron, having exposed Talon Karrde's associate, Melina Carniss, as an Isard spy, deliberately allowed her to relay the location of Rogue Squadron's base on Yag'Dhul to Isard. Isard swiftly dispatched the Lusankya and the Virulence to obliterate the space station.

Just as the Lusankya entered the system, Rogue Squadron jumped into hyperspace, heading for Thyferra. Captain Joak Drysso, the Lusankya's commander, deployed his fighters and prepared to destroy the station. Booster Terrik, in charge of the station, ensnared the Lusankya using a gravity well projector and the station's powerful tractor beams. He then aimed over three hundred proton torpedo targeting systems at the ship. Although the actual launch systems were mounted on freighters, the ruse gave Drysso reason to hesitate. At that moment, the Virulence intervened, positioning itself between the Lusankya and the station, disrupting the target locks. Drysso ordered an immediate retreat to Thyferra, abandoning his fighters.

Unexpectedly, Pash Cracken's Ace Squadron arrived, reinforcing the impression that the New Republic had set a trap. Lakwii Varrscha, the Virulence's captain, promptly surrendered. In one swift action, the Rogue forces deprived the Lusankya of its fighter support and Isard of her last Imperial II-class Star Destroyer.

Phase Two: Thyferra (Space)

Rogue Squadron linked up with its allied freighters before jumping to Thyferra. As the squadron's X-wings engaged the interceptors of the Thyferran Home Defense Corps, led by Erisi Dlarit, the Lusankya reappeared. The battle was further complicated by the arrival of the Valiant and the Avarice (renamed the Freedom). The two capital ships engaged the Lusankya, while the Rogues launched massive volleys of proton torpedoes and concussion missiles, using the freighters as launch platforms linked to the starfighters' targeting systems. The Lusankya's forward shields buckled under the assault. The Lusankya redirected its fire toward the freighters, attempting to eliminate them from the battle.

Phase Three: Thyferra (Ground Assault)

Simultaneously with the arrival of the Rogue forces, Elscol Loro and Iella Wessiri spearheaded a force of Ashern and Zaltin rebels in an attack on Isard's palace. Upon breaching the defenses, Isard escaped aboard Fliry Vorru's personal shuttle, Thyfonian (or so it seemed). Vorru was left behind and captured, destined for return to Kessel.

Phase Four: Thyferra (Space)

At this point, Isard ordered the Lusankya to cover the Thyfonian's escape, anticipating the loss of both in the battle. By now, Rogue Squadron and the freighters had exhausted their missile reserves, and the Freedom had sustained significant damage. Captain Drysso defied Isard's order to retreat, confident in his ability to win the battle and usurp her position on Thyferra. When the Virulence returned, he believed he had finally received the reinforcements needed to secure victory.

However, the Virulence was now under Booster's command, carrying three New Republic A-wing interceptor squadrons, including Ace Squadron. The assault on the Lusankya intensified, with fighters systematically destroying sections of the ship with strafing runs. Drysso threatened to crash the ship into Thyferra, but Lieutenant [Waroen] (/article/waroen) executed him and surrendered the ship and its crew to Rogue Squadron.

Fleeing Thyferra, Isard ordered Erisi's TIE squadron to protect her departure. Corran Horn engaged Erisi in a one-on-one dogfight, shooting her down over one of Thyferra's moons. He then targeted Isard's shuttle, and with Tycho's assistance, destroyed it before it could jump to hyperspace. This brought the battle to a close.


Rogue Squadron was disappointed to discover that the prisoners aboard Lusankya, including General Jan Dodonna, had been moved to another location prior to the battle. Their eventual rescue and liberation would take several years.

As recognition for his role in Isard's downfall, Ooryl Qrygg was granted the title of janwuine, an honor in Gand culture that permitted him to refer to himself in the first person.

Rogue Squadron received an invitation to rejoin the New Republic military.

Through negotiations facilitated by Talon Karrde, the New Republic reluctantly allowed Booster to retain ownership of the Virulence. The ship was subsequently renamed the Errant Venture.

As temporary captain of the Lusankya, Wedge officiated an impromptu wedding ceremony for Corran Horn and Mirax Terrik.

Xucphra Corporation was dissolved, and Zaltin Corporation ascended to become the dominant Human faction on Thyferra.

Isard was presumed dead. However, after the Thrawn campaign, she resurfaced, revealing that she had not been on the shuttle, which was remotely piloted, and had survived the battle.

