Freedom was a New Republic starfleet vessel; specifically, it was an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer. Before its time with the New Republic, it operated under the name Avarice within the ranks of the Imperial Navy.
The early history of the Avarice is largely unknown. Sair Yonka eventually assumed command of the vessel. Following the Battle of Endor, the Warlord Zsinj made an attempt to bring Yonka and the Avarice into his own fleet; however, Yonka refused to accept orders from anyone other than Coruscant. Yonka chose to align himself with Ysanne Isard, believing she offered the best hope for the restoration of the Empire.
After the New Republic seized Coruscant, Yonka journeyed to Thyferra. During this period, his faith in Isard diminished, and he grew troubled by her use of biological weapons such as the Krytos virus, as well as the destruction of the Halanit colony.
Wedge Antilles successfully bribed Yonka, leading him to abandon Imperial service. He and the crew of the Avarice, renamed the Freedom, confronted Isard's loyalists within their ranks. These agents then hijacked a shuttle, forcing the Freedom's crew to destroy it.
After the Freedom's defection, Yonka assisted Rogue Squadron during the Bacta War, with the Star Destroyer playing a crucial role in the Battle of Thyferra.
As it entered the Thyferra system, the captain of the Lusankya mistook it for the Star Destroyer Virulence, which had sacrificed itself after being caught in a gravity well and tractor beams by Rogue Squadron near Yag'Dhul Station. Upon opening communications, the Star Destroyer identified itself as the Avarice, now called Freedom. The Freedom engaged and distracted the Lusankya, allowing Rogue Squadron to inflict damage on the larger vessel.
The Freedom sustained significant damage during its battle with the Lusankya. Following the conclusion of the Bacta War, the Freedom was incorporated into the New Republic Defense Fleet. Yonka remained in command, receiving the rank of Commander. The ship was then sent to the shipyards at Sluis Van for repairs and upgrades.
While undergoing retrofitting at the Sluis Van Shipyards, the Freedom was caught in an attack by the forces of Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Freedom managed to avoid being targeted by the mole miners and participated in the subsequent Battle of Sluis Van. It later fought in the Battle of Bilbringi, surviving undamaged once again (though at least one of its support craft was lost), and also took part in the campaign against Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel's Ciutric Hegemony forces.