Yag-prime, an Empress-class space station, orbited the Givin home planet of Yag'Dhul. This station was a critical location during several significant conflicts, notably the Bacta War and the Battle of Yag'Dhul.
The station's design featured a central disk, with substantial living spaces both above and below it. Several slender towers extended from the disk's center, giving the appearance of the station being pierced by multiple spears. Three wedge-shaped structures served as launch and recovery platforms, projecting outwards from the central disk into the surrounding space.
Due to high construction expenses, available space was extremely limited. Refresher facilities and dining areas were shared by all personnel. While private rooms were available for dinner meetings, all meals were prepared in a central kitchen and then distributed to the half-dozen dining facilities located throughout the station. These same rooms were also utilized as lounges and recreational areas. The internal hallways were noticeably narrow, a design choice intended to enhance defense against stormtrooper attacks. It remains unclear whether this characteristic was standard across all Empress-class stations, or if similar designs were also implemented by groups outside the Rebellion.
There were twenty-five levels of living quarters situated above the docking facility, and another twenty-five levels below. The primary docking zone encompassed ten levels, with the central six levels dedicated to cargo handling and storage. The two outermost levels on each side housed crew accommodations, small retail shops, and the tapcafes Hyperspace and Flarestar.
By the year 6 ABY, Yag-prime had fallen under the control of Warlord Zsinj's forces, although the day-to-day operations of the station were managed by a Twi'lek merchant named Valsil Torr. Zsinj utilized the station as a storage depot for a large quantity of bacta that had been seized from a New Republic convoy. However, Qlaern Hirf of the Ashern informed the New Republic of this. Subsequently, Rogue Squadron and Defender Wing arrived, accompanied by a contingent of assault shuttles and freighters. Together, they seized control of the station and recovered the bacta following a brief battle. The Givin, who possessed the ability to survive in a vacuum, undertook the repairs to the space station.
Yag-prime figured prominently in the events of the Bacta War. After resigning from their positions, Wedge Antilles and the members of Rogue Squadron sought a suitable base from which to conduct their campaign against Ysanne Isard. Pash Cracken, a former member of the squadron, received the assignment to render the station uninhabitable, preventing Zsinj from reusing it. Instead, he provided a false report to his superiors, claiming the station's destruction. Soon after, the Rogues took up residence there.
Following the Pulsar Skate's return from its mission to retrieve the remaining Eidolon materials on Tatooine, Booster Terrik accompanied them, much to Antilles' delight. Terrik then volunteered to serve as the station's manager, motivated by the promise of an engaging challenge and the opportunity to compete against Fliry Vorru in the realms of trade and information.
Terrik instituted numerous changes to the station, including lowering the average temperature by five degrees. He chose not to heat unoccupied sections of the station, thereby reducing operational expenses. He increased the temperature in the tapcafs and stores to encourage patronage, which increased profits, since the station's vendors were paying him a percentage of their own profits and were funneling all their supply needs through him.
Shortly after advising Antilles against closing the station to outsiders, Terrik reopened the station for trade to generate capital for Antilles' operation. His strategy involved attracting individuals who could provide information and equipment, rather than actively seeking them out, and cultivating suppliers who would be indebted to them due to the station. This approach discouraged the station's frequent visitors from betraying them to Isard.
In accordance with the secret plans made with Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu, Booster Terrik implemented a series of modifications to the station. He acquired a substantial quantity of proton torpedoes, concussion missiles, and targeting sensors from Talon Karrde. The sensors were integrated into the station's infrastructure, while the torpedoes and missiles were installed on a fleet of freighters of varying sizes, including a Corellian Light Freighter.
Just before the pivotal Battle of Thyferra, Isard's spy, Melina Carniss, was permitted to discover that the Rogues were operating from Yag-prime. As Antilles had anticipated, Isard dispatched her Star Destroyers Lusankya and Virulence to destroy the station. As Isard's ships approached, Antilles' small fleet jumped to hyperspace towards Thyferra. Terrik then ensnared the Lusankya in Yag-prime's tractor beams and activated the gravity well projector, effectively immobilizing the vessel despite its attempts to escape by engaging its engines at full reverse. After Captain Joak Drysso rejected his offer of surrender, Terrik activated the torpedo targeting sensors, acquiring over three hundred locks on the Lusankya, sufficient to obliterate the massive warship.
However, this was actually a complex deception orchestrated by Antilles. The station lacked any proton torpedoes; they were all aboard the small fleet of freighters that had jumped to hyperspace with Antilles toward Thyferra. The station only possessed the targeting locks.
At this juncture, Captain Lakwii Varrscha of the Virulence swiftly intervened, maneuvering her ship into the path of the tractor beams, enabling the Lusankya to break free. Varrscha abandoned its TIE fighter escort, which were subsequently destroyed when Pash Cracken's Ace Squadron was pulled from hyperspace by the gravity well projector. Believing that she had been caught in a New Republic trap, Varrscha surrendered to Terrik, who promptly assumed command of the Virulence and directed it to Thyferra, where it played a critical role in the battle.
Shortly following the signing of the Bastion Accords in 19 ABY, the station was ceded to the Givin. They used it to defend the Yag'Dhul shipyard complex, and stocked it with a unit of their own swift starfighters.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Dodecian Illiet commanded Yag-prime. The Rodian Jedi Kelbis Nu realized Nom Anor's true identity on Yag'Dhul Station. He escaped the station, but agents of the Peace Brigade killed him on Eriadu. Soon after, Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, and Corran Horn arrived on the station aboard a commandeered Yuuzhan Vong scout ship, bringing a warning about the impending Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Dodecian Illiet interrogated them and, after a few hours, released them when their warning of an invasion was proven true.
While en route to the storage lockers of Ring 1-C to acquire vac suits, Yuuzhan Vong warriors and Nom Anor, disguised as a Givin using a ooglith masquer, attacked them. A duel followed between Anakin and Shok Choka when Anor declined Corran's challenge. Anakin defeated Choka, and the three escaped, reaching Docking Port 12 Berth 13 where a ship awaited them.
It remains unknown whether the station survived the Battle of Yag'Dhul.
According to Booster Terrik, the station was a long-standing trade hub in the region. It was very compact to an average human and delicate, with the danger of suffering explosive decompression. Its walls displayed fractal patterns and notations in an unknown script, likely written by the Givin.
Yag-prime, as depicted in X-Wing: The Krytos Trap and on the book's cover, shares a striking resemblance to the space platforms featured in the video game Star Wars: TIE Fighter, suggesting it may have been inspired by those stations.